life time line

  • born

    I was born at the Hobart Private hospital and I was big - I was 11 pounds 4 oz. I was in the newspaper because I was so big. I got a vires called Bronchiolitis when I was 6 weeks old and spent a week in the royal hobart hospital.
    space shuttle columbia disinteggrated when it re-entered the atmosphere killing all on broad
  • birth of my sister

    birth of my sister
    my sister was born
    google releses google maps
    and the first ipod nano is relesed
  • started school

    started school
    started school at albeura street
    in chinese eathquack killed 70,000 people and left 5,000 homeless
  • princess street

    started at princess street school
    the wolds oldest skeleton of a human ancester is uncorered in Ethiopia
  • fiji

    my family and I went to fiji, we went snorklling and sailling
    a seres of earthquack hit north japan unleshing a 10 meter tsunami
  • America

    my family annd I went to America and Mexico. It was my first tim swimming in the Carrabin
    after nine years NASA's horizen spacecraft had it's first fly by ploto and desxaverd new moons