Life thing

By Micsal1
  • Before Highschool: Baseball player

    Before Highschool: Baseball player
    When I first started playing baseball I really wanted to become a proffesional player.
  • Before High school: Lemonade

    Before High school: Lemonade
    As a kid I have always wanted money to buy trading cards and candy. So i set up lemonade stands all the time over many summer
  • Before High school: Becoming a doctor.

    Before High school: Becoming a doctor.
    During a english project were we were required to choose a career and research it. I chose dentistry and became pretty interested in it
  • Before High school: Suceeding in High school

    Before High school: Suceeding in High school
    I have always known that I need to do good in High school and I know it will determine my future.
  • High school: Freshman Year

    High school: Freshman Year
    During freshman year I really want to make the baseball team. I think it will be a great friend making oppurtinity and a fun time.
  • High school: Sophmore year

    In Sophomore year I hope to be in more honors classes. I know this will be a great learning oppurtinity and would look good on my GPA
  • High school: Junior year

    High school: Junior year
    In Junior year I want to continue my good grades and send my college application out also to take some AP classes.
  • High school: Senior year

    High school: Senior year
    Finally for being a Senior I want to pass and get accepted into a good college like U of I. I would like to pave my path to the future.
  • Post High school: Job

    Post High school: Job
    I would want to get a job for some extra money so I can somewhat support myself and be able to buy things for myself.
  • Post High school: College

    I want to try as hard as I can in college and take the best classes suited for me. I want to pave my way for a great career.
  • Post High school: Dental school

    Post High school: Dental school
    I would like to attend dental school a year after I graduate from college so I can get my career going.
  • Young adult hood: Career

    Young adult hood: Career
    A dentist seems like a very good career because my Uncle also is and encourages me to be one also I am very interested in dentistry.
  • Young adult hood: Family

    Young adult hood: Family
    I would hope to get married and start a family.
  • Young adult hood: House

    Young adult hood: House
    I would like to move out of an apartment or parents house and be able to live off my own.
  • Middle adult hood: Staying healthy

    Middle adult hood: Staying healthy
    I would also want to try to stay healthy and in shape so I dont lose mobility or have my muscles get week quicker.
  • Middle adult hood: Dentristry

    Middle adult hood: Dentristry
    I would like to continue my career In dentristry and take over for my Uncle when he retires,
  • Middle adult hood: Family

    Middle adult hood: Family
    I would want to maintain a healthy relationship with my wife and children.
  • Middle adult hood: Bills

    Middle adult hood: Bills
    I would also like to stay on top of my bills so I dont have them lingering around and forgetting about them.
  • Retirement: Retiring

    Eventually I will have to retire and become a regular old man.
  • Retirement: Vacationing

    Retirement: Vacationing
    There are a veriety of places I would like to go to like France, Italy, and Spain.
  • Retirement: Grandchildren

    Retirement: Grandchildren
    I will hopefully have grand children and be able to tell stories to them.
  • Retirement

    When I retire I want to know that I lived a satifying life and have no regrettes.