Life Span Timeline

  • Due Date

    The doctors predicted I would be born on this day.
  • Birth

    At 12:17 p.m. this little girl was brought into the world and completed the perfect Valentines Day for her parents. My parents named me Stephanie. I weighed 7lbs 11 ounces and was 20 inches long.
  • First 2 years: Biosocial

    This was the happiest night for my parents because I slept through the whole night. I was a good sleeper, and to this day I still enjoy sleeping.
  • First 2 years: Biosocial

    I loved to smile at my parents. They always knew how to make me happy.
  • First 2 years: Biosocial

    This was the first day I recognized my mother and father as my parents.
  • First 2 years: Biosocial

    I began to sit by myself with no support.
  • First 2 years: Psychosocial

    When my mother would point at me in the mirror, I would start to babble words, knowing it was me who she was pointing at.
  • First 2 years: Biosocial

    I started to crawl and discover new objects such as cords.
  • First 2 years: Cognitive

    I learned how to point at objects when there was something I wanted.
  • First 2 years: Cognitive

    The first word that I spoke was "dada". Shortly after, I began saying "mama".
  • First 2 years: Psychosocial

    I was not a happy little girl when I was placed on Santa's lap for the first time. Even though my brother was with me, I was still not happy.
  • First 2 years: Biosocial

    I began holding on to objects and pulling myself up. I would mostly use the couch to pull myself up and would hold onto it.
  • First 2 years: Cognitive

    I loved to play peek-a-boo with my mother.
  • First 2 years: Biosocial

    I started to walk without support from my parents. I fell a couple times, but I got right back up.
  • First 2 years: Cognitive

    I loved to play with dolls, buckeling them in their stroller and going for a walk around the house. Also, I loved to call my parents on my "toy" phone.
  • First 2 years: Cognitive

    I loved to color, put puzzles together, and listen to books.
  • Early Childhood: Cognitive

    My first day of preschool! I was excited to have new shoes, clothes, and bookbag. Once my parents left, I had mixed feelings about preschool, I did not know anyone.
  • Early Childhood: Biosocial

    I started my first dance class.
  • Early Childhood: Biosocial

    I began brushing teeth by myself without the help of my parents.
  • Early Childhood: Psychosocial

    I had my first friend over who I met in preschool, and to this day we are still friends.
  • Early Childhood: Biosocial

    I enjoyed putting puzzles together, especially Charlie Brown Christmas puzzles.
  • Early Childhood: Biosocial

    I learned how to tie shoes by myself without the help from a parent. The way my parents taught me, I had a hard time with. When I was with my cousin, she showed me how to tie shoes the "bunny ear" way.
  • Early Childhood: Biosocial

    Thanks to my outgoing dad, I learned to ride my bike without any training wheels. There were a few times I fell off, but I was encouraged to never give up.
  • Middle Childhood: Biosocial

    I enjoyed eating many different types of fruits and vegetables. Also, I loved going grocery shopping with my mom and picking out different fruits and other healthy snacks for my lunch.
  • Middle Childhood: Cognitive

    I began to read books with simple words. As a younger child, I loved to memorize the books my mother would read to me, and pretend I was reading with the words I learned from memorization.
  • Middle Childhood: Psychosocial

    Every day I had chores to complete like making my bed before school, helping with dishes, etc. I was then given an allowance based off the chores I completed.
  • Middle Childhood: Cognitive

    I grew up in a Catholic family. I attended church every Sunday and would go to religion. A bus from my church would come to the school and pick us up for religion, then we would return back to school.
  • Middle Childhood: Cognitive

    I loved to learn multiplication. Having timed multipilication tests were my favorite!
  • Middle Childhood: Psychosocial

    I started to compare my clothes to other girls in my school. I wanted the cutest outfit. If I liked someone's outfit, I would want to find an outfit similiar.
  • Adolescence: Biosocial

    It was Christmas Break and I was home alone. It was my first day starting my period, I didn't know what was happening or what to do. I was officially growing up.
  • Adolescence: Cognitive

    I started to take one of many advanced classes in high school. I am thankful I took these classes because they pushed me to try harder and prepare me for college.
  • Adolescence: Biosocial

    Body image was something important to me. At 82lbs I thought I was gaining weight. I started to watch what I ate and would only eat nutritious foods such as fruit, vegetables, oatmeal, and tuna. I finally came to realize that I was the smallest person in my grade.
  • Adolescence: Biosocial

    Five months after turning in my application at a localTheatre, I was called in for an interview. I had never been so nervous before. I recieved the job and worked at the Theatre throughout High School. I loved my job and was sad when I had to move.
  • Adolescence: Biosocial

    Having a healthy lifestyle was important to me. Once spring rolled around, I was so excited. Tennis was starting back up and I continued to dance.
  • Adolescence: Biosocial

    I enjoyed going out to parties, talking and hanging out with friends. Although I enjoyed going out, I learned lessons and feel that school is my main priority.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive

    GRADUATION DAY! I graduated high school and was ready to continue my education in college.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial

    The day I met my best friend, my love, the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive

    My first day of college. One of the biggest changes of my life: moving, starting college, and meeting new people. Adjusting was hard, but I kept my head high and succeeded.
  • Emerging Adult: Biosocial

    Being forced to move when going to college, I was also forced to leave my job and find a new one. I started my job at Biggby Coffee and went through a week of coorporate training. This was a stressful time. Adjusting to the college life while learning many different drinks and expectations of a new job was something that took a lot of time out of my busy schedule.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial

    I have a high self esteem and positive attitude about life. I am thankful for everything I have and to have a supporting family and boyfriend, who are always encouraging me to do my best.
  • Adulthood: Cognitive

    Graduation day with my Assoicates Degree in Health Transfer. In the fall I will start my continuing education and continue my degree in Occupational Therapy.
  • Adulthood: Cognitive

    On this day I will complete my Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy and start seeking jobs as an Occupational Therapist. I love helping other people, and can't wait to start my career!
  • Adulthood: Psychosocial

    The day I marry my best friend <3
  • Adulthood: Psychosocial

    I started a family with my husband enjoying our newborn twins. I was enjoying every moment of life.
  • Adulthood: Biosocial

    I continued my life with a healthy lifestyle. I was going to Zumba on weeknights and eating healthy. This made me feel young again.
  • Adulthood: Psychosocial

    I enjoy spending afternoons with my parents. Every weekend I have a dinner for my parents along with family time. Even though I am a grown adult, I still enjoy spending time with my parents and taking care of them.
  • Adulthood: Biosocial

    Wrinkles start to appear, along with a few grey hairs.
  • Late Adulthood: Psychosocial

    After all the excitement of all the fireworks and Fourth of July festivities, the first grandchild was ready to be born.
  • Late Adulthood: Psychosocial

    My retirement day. I look forward to the next years of my life with my family and grandchildren.
  • Late Adulthood: Biosocial

    The excessive computer usage throughout my younger generation has taken a tole on my eyes. I now have a cataract and will soon have to have surgery on it.
  • Late Adulthood: Cognitive

    Ever since I was little, I always had a great memory. To this day, my memory is still going strong. A birthday is never forgotten thanks to my memory.
  • Death and Dying

    I was taken peacefully by God. I reunited with lost family and friends.