Life Span Psychology Timeling

  • Prenatal Development & Birth

    Prenatal Development & Birth
    There are multiple transitions that occur in the womb from conception to birth. When the child is conceived and fertilization takes place the time frame is called the germination period. This period of time lasts about two weeks long. The next phase in the birth cycle is called the embryonic period with last until the eighth week. And the final stage that last until birth is called that fetal period.
  • Personal Experience

    In my personal experience of pregnancy the first few weeks (germination-embryonic periods) were the most awful due to severe morning sickness that peeked for me in my eighth week.
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    Prenatal development and birth

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    The First Two Years

  • Personal Experience

    Personal Experience
    My youngest son had trouble with gaining weight during this stage because he suffered from GERDS which is a form of Acid Reflux that made him vomit a lot of what he ate. There were certain medications and procedures that I had to follow to ensure his normal weight gain.
  • Cognitive Event

    When we think of cognitive development people think of Piagets six stages of sensorimotor intelligence. Stage One (birth to 1 month) revolve around reflexes, such as sucking, grasping, staring, and listening. Stage Two (1-4 months) toning of the reflexes. Stage Three (4-8 months) Responding to people and items. Stages Four (8 – 12 months) becoming aware and responding to others. Stage Five( 12 to 18 months) experimenting with toys and objects. Lastly Stage Six (18-24 months)
  • Personal Experience

    I remember when my now two year old was going through Piaget’s Stage Five. He would watch my brush my hair and fine objects that looked like brushes and try to brush his own.
  • Psychosocial Event

    Birth- crying is the expression of emotion. 6 weeks- the can social smile. 3 months-they become of curious and start laughing. 4 months- they can smile due to a stimuli. 4 to 8 month – the child can show anger. 9 to 14 months- the child can show fear of separation and of strangers. 12 months- fear of sudden lights and sounds. 18 months- they become self aware, pride, shame and embarrassment.
    Personal Experience
    My Youngest son is currently showing fear of separation with
  • The First Two Years

    The First Two Years
    Biosocial Event
    During the first two years the child’s body grows the fastest. Children in this stage will double their weight by the age of four months. During this stage the child starts off sleeping about 17 hours a day and that slowly decreased over time as the child develops. Brain development is also a key factor in the first two years. The brain will go through a process called pruning of the dendrites in the brain so that child will only have the neurons that he or she uses.
  • Period: to

    The Play Years

  • Play Years

    Play Years
    Biosocial Event Children continue with weight gain. Mylination occurs. The corpus collosum develops and becomes thicker. The prefrontal cortex becomes refined and develops. Gross motor skills continue to progress along with muscle control.
    Personal Experience
    I can compare with my oldest son when he first started walking around 11 months to how he walks now. There is such a drastic difference with the coordination and balance.
  • Cognitive Event

    According to Piaget he believes that child during this stage only focus one thing and their own point of view, while Vygotsky focuses on the way children experience different situations. He believes that child have a zone of proximal development. Which is how much the child can learn.
    Personal Experience
    From My experience I believe that children in this stage are selfish, my son had a hard time sharing his toys with his cousin and when I was trying to show him how to shar
  • Psychosocial Event

    Psychosocial Event Children start very young with gender roles. But gender stereotype and segregation is the strongest at age 6. This is thought to happen more according to society and media in particular. Personal Experience I have two boys and I do believe that there are strong gender restrictions. Some people don’t let their sons play with dolls because of what society deems is correct. But when my children go on play dates I let them play with whatever toy will be enjoyable for the
  • SchoolYears

    Biosocial Event During this stage in a child’s development they start to slow down in growing. But the brain continues to grow at a rapid speed. When the child reaches around 7 or 8 years old mylination has created a well connected brain. Also the cortex peeks in thickness around age 8. Personal Experience Watching my youngest brother grow up I did see his growth pattern slow as he reached 7 or 8 years old, I didn’t have to go with my mother to the store every few months or
  • Cognitive Event

    Cognitive Event When a child reaches 6 or 7 Piaget believe that children begin concrete operational thought. In play staged children who focused on egocentrism, now in school age children that focus now disappears. During this stage Long term memory gets refined and children can start pulling information that is stored in their long term memory. Still children continue to become more coordinated and motorized as the prefrontal cortex develops.
    Personal Experience
    I have much trouble tryi
  • Psychosocial Event

    Socializing children to work together is a must during this stage. Children become better at telling what is right and wrong. Bullying is common in this stage. This stage has an important impact on children especially their family and friends. Personal Experience I have witnessed how important family is to children as they develop through this stage. My parents were going through a divorce when one of my brothers was around 8 and he started stuttering from an imbala
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    The School Years

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  • Adolescence

    Biosocial Event During this stage Puberty Begins. Girls will have their first menarche, and boy will have their first spermarche. Hormones start to be released from the pituitary and adrenal glands. Females and Males will start maturing the primary sex characteristics such as vagina, ovaries, penis and testicles. During this times the secondary sex characteristics start developing such as the woman’s breast and man’s beards.
  • Personal Experience

    I was away at college when my brother started to go through changes in is body and I came home on break after not seeing him for a few months and I was shocked at the major differences, such as he was taller, deeper voice and was starting to grow facial hair.
  • Cognitive development

    During this phase many adolescence can be egocentric which can cause difficulties such as the invincible fable. Adolescence according to Piaget’s are in his last stages which is formal operational thought. Most adolescence think in the now and even though they are perfectly able to think logically, emotions tend to control more of their actions.
  • Personal experience

    I remember when I was going through my adolescence and it true, I day dreamed a lot, and used my emotions to control my decisions and sometimes it was hard for me to think logically. I didn’t understand why most people didn’t see situations from my view point.
  • Psychosocial Event

    Adolescence is a major turning point in a person’s live. They start to adapt and realize who they really are and form an identity. Adolescence and Parents start to fight over control issues. People in this stage want more independence and want to be treated a certain way and get angry when parents don’t let them obtain their full freedom. Peers have a great influence in their lives, from who they hang out with to what kind of activities they perform.
  • Personal Experience

    When going through this stage it was almost unbearable to withstand my parents. I believe I knew the right thing to do and they were treating me like a little girl instead and a person. Looking back on this stage they were right about most things. I should have listened to them more.
  • Emerging adulthood

    Emerging adulthood
    Biosocial Event
    This period is distinguished from ages 18 to 21 years old. Besides special exceptions most people in this age range are healthy and all body functions are working properly. This time frame is when most sexual desire is the strongest.
  • Personal Experience

    My eldest brother is currently in this stage. It has occurred to me that he is the healthiest I ever seen. I don’t think he has been sick all year except for the common cold.
  • Cogitive Event

    During this stage emerging adults become less egocentric as they age. People in this stage are more practical than they ever been. As the responsibility of life increases the emerging adult starts thinking more maturely.
  • Personal Experience

    My life drastically changed in this timeframe. I have to deal with bills and responsibilities that I never had before. I had to start thinking about the future and how to raise my family.
  • Psychosocial Event

    There are two important complications for emerging adults. Career goals can still be unknown in this stage. Also Relationship are very common in this time frame. Most Emerging adults have many relationships that are based off passion. There are more and more people that are living together unmarried, and putting off marriage or not getting married at all.
  • Personal Experience

    I was one of those people that lived together before getting married. Since my boyfriend (now husband) and I got pregnant we did want to get married. Without getting pregnant we would have defiantly continued to live together without being married and waited longer before getting married.
  • Personal Experience

    Comparing how I was thinking in my adolescence and how I rarely took advise from my parents I realize that they’re advise was right. My mother always told me what she thought on certain topics such as how I shouldn’t stay up too late partying when I had school the next day, and I was confident that I could do both. Looking back on it as an adult she was completely right. Know now I would have never of did such a stupid choice.
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    Emerging Adolescence

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  • Adulthood

    Biosocial Event
    During this stage the gradual decline of body organs start happening, this is called senescence. The brain starts to slow down and fertility problems become more of a problem. People who drink alcohol and smoke see these effects more.
  • Personal Experience

    Just recently I found my mother’s photo album look at this pictures from her 20 years ago when she was my age really shocked me. How much she changed really impacted how I thought about aging. Although she smokes she look very different and she looks better than some people I have seen age.
  • Cognitive Event

    Cognitive Event
    As people age they chose certain characteristics to focus on such as they’re job and other skills like high school geometry fade over time. The judgments of people that are adults are more in tune because they have years of experience to look back on compared to adolescence
  • Psychosocial Event

    As the text says that the midlife crisis is a myth there are some factors that do influence people as they age, such as nonetheless, gender, age and culture. Relationship are just as important to adults. As they can be rewarding they also have backfires such as divorce. Most adults are a caregiver in some sort of way, the most common parent.
  • Personal Experience

    I agree that there are factors that influence people’s lives as the age. My parents are a great example, growing up they often bickered but as they are aging they are tending to be more patient with each other and value their relationship.
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    Late Adulthood

  • Late Adulthood

    Late Adulthood
  • Biosocial development

    As the body continues to age the body senses continue to decline. More and more people are dependent on glasses and hearing aids. And in general the person its self is more dependent on others for help. They are more and more positive outlooks on aging since the average mortality has been increasing.
  • Personal Experience

    As I was a home health aide for an elderly person they were constantly complaining that the T.V wasn’t loud enough and that they couldn’t hear it. But in reality it was so loud that I could hardly think straight.
  • Psychosocial Development

    Most people in this age group are happy to be retiring and able to do things that will bring them joy. Weather it is education or volunteer work. The preference of most people would be to stay at home to spend their last days. If a person has a spouse then that spouse is the most important person in their life and will be very hard when one of them dies before the other. Most people will be relatively happy and healthy until age takes its told and the person graduate becomes week.
  • Cognitive Development

    As the elderly age the brain functions at a slower rate; the processing of information takes longer to understand and control processes are less effective. As people age the chance of obtain dementia and Alzheimer’s will increase and greatly impact a person memories and brain functions.
  • Personal Experience

    While working with at person with alziemers if got hard and hard for her to recogizing who she was and people around her. She only last 10 years from the diagnosis that she had Alzhiemers.
  • Personal Experience

    My grandfather retired about 10 or 15 years ago. But sence he fills his time by going to be my uncles business and helping out, also he does alot of reading to obtain knowledge.
  • Epiloge

    Dying is part of the stages of life, and people can handle other people deaths and their own very differently. People who are dying can go through the stages starting off with denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance. While people that grieve for others go through a process. Such as bereavement, grief, and mourning.
  • Personal Experience

    When I was faced with a close family friend's death from cancer it wouseas at first shocking and for a few days I would look over at his house and believe that at any moment he would walk out but he never did. I eventually stop waiting.