Psychological First 2 Years
1994-1996 I was the second child living with both my mom and dad and old brother. My parents were in there mid twenties and my brother was 3. My mom stayed home with me during the day, while my father stayed with me at night. I never went to daycare or anything. If my mom did have to work in the morning, my grandma would watch me My brother was my playmate. I had a few cousins and a lot of uncles and aunts not that much older that I would play with, too. -
Biosocial First 2 Years
1994-1996 I was born with no hair at all, my mom massaged my head until I was almost 3 to help the hair grow. I had bright green eyes, the odd ball in the family of blue eyes. As a baby I always slept through the night, I was always happy and smiling. I was a healthy baby. -
Cognitive First 2 Years
1994-1996 I was always a good baby, when my parents put me to sleep, they weren't any problems. I was always wanting to be like my mom, wearing her shoes and stealing her jewerly. I even had a doll that I acted like its mother. My first word was even mom. -
Cognitive Play Years
1996-1999 I was very talkative, driving my parents crazy all the time. Everything was a question with me, I was interested in EVERYTHING. In the backyard we had a sandbox which I spent most of my time in there. My parents constantly read to me and always helped me with my numbers. -
Biosocial Play Years
1996-1999 I was the tallest one my age but average weight. My favorite food was chicken nuggets and thats all I wanted. If I was anywhere other than home, I had to use plastic silverware because I didn't trust other people. -
Psychosocial Play Years
1996-1999 At 4, I started preschool, I wanted to go everyday. I made a lot of friends there.. My parents were mostly permissive, but still teaching me along the way. I wasn't really into TV or video games, I liked my dolls or building blocks. Being the younger sister, my brother always protected me and wanted me to follow in his steps. -
Biosocial School Years
2000-2005 I was always the taller one still, and I hit puberty in 5th grade so I was the first to develop. I never was really active, I never liked sports but I would still participate with everyone else. My grades were all that mattered to me. -
Cognitive School Years
2000-2005 I was always excited to learn and enjoyed school. In 2nd grade, my teachers wanted to move me up a grade but my mom said no because I was already the youngest in my class. I had great reading skills - 3 grades higher than what I was in. -
Psychosocial School Years
2000-2005 I was always friends with everyone. I could be with the 'nerds one minute and the 'popular' crowd the next. I was very likeable. My parents did divorce, but it didn't really effect me.. I guess I was okay with it. I always had enough friends to go around to keep me happy. -
Biosocial Adolenscense
2006-2012 I started puberty way before any of the other girls in my grade, most girls were jealous of what I developed. I was always taller and had more weight on me than other girls. I was never into drugs or alcohol, even though I had friends who were interested in it. -
Cognitive Adolescense
2006-2012 During this time, I started to care more about what I wore, and what I looked like. Eventually, I grew out of that stage around 16. I always did an ok job in school, never really did an outstanding job. I failed a few classes, but still graduated on time with a 3.0. -
Psychosocial Adolescense
2006-2012 Around ages 14 and 15, I was pretty distant from my parents. I was more interested in my friends than my family. Eventually, I became close with my family again and realized what is important to me. -
My 18th Birthday. -
Emerging Adulthood Cognitive
2012-2017 I am enrolled at schoolcraft, but recently decided this will be my last semester there. I have chosen to start beauty school. It will take me a year and half to finish school then I can start looking for a better job. -
Emerging Adulthood Biosocial
2012-2017 This is where I currently stand in life. I just turned 19 last week, going to school full time and working full time. After high school, I drifted away from my friends. I am trying to be healthy by eating right and going to the gym daily. I usually hang around my family and boyfriend. -
Emerging Adulthood Psyhcosocial
2012-2017 I am working at Value World right now full time, which is not my career. Just getting me through college. I have a boyfriend who I have been with on and off since I was 14. We don't live together but have talked about it. I don't intend on marriage soon but I know it will happen one day. I do have a close friend, we hang out maybe once a week or so. -
Adulthood Biosocial
2012-2079 I am starting to age and form wrinkles in this time. At a young age I already had bad eye sight, so it progressively got worse. I will exercise daily and continue to not smoke so my health is well. -
Adulthood Psychosocial
2017-2079 I hope to be married as an adult. I also wish to have a few kids. I will have my own family but still keep in contact with my parents and brother. -
Adulthood Cognitive
2017-2079 I will have a set career, own a car and a house in this time. My intellectual abilities will improve with old age. I hope to be able to handle my money responsibly. -
Late Adulthood Biosocial
2060-2079 In my late adult hood years I want to be healthy and very active. My vision will be getting even more worse. I will maintain a healthy diet to help live a long healthy life like I worked hard for. -
Late Adulthood Cognitive
2060-2079 My thinking and information process' will slow down. I will have become very wise from old age and I will probably have memory loss eventually. -
Late Adulthood Psychosocial
2060-2079 I will be retired and hopefully I won't live in an nursing home. I would garden and keep my house clean to stay active. Also taking a dog for a walk for exercise. I will still be in contact with my family. -
After a long and healthy life, I predict I will pass away at age 85.