Life Span Developmental Psychology

  • Prenatal Development : Germinal

    The first fourteen days after conception. Cells rapidly divide and cells differentiate.
  • Prenatal Development: Embryonic Period

    The third to eighth week after conception where the embryo is developing.
  • Prenatal Development : Fetal Period

    The ninth week after concpetion until birth where the organs grow in size and mature in functioning.
  • Birth

    Born at 7:41am. Weighing 7lbs 5 oz. Blue eyes blonde hair. Healthy baby girl!
  • Biosocial: First Two Years

    I now weighed around 30lbs. I'm walking and grabbing onto everything that I can get my hands on. My mother breastfed me the majority of my first two years of life.
  • Cognitive: First Two Years

    I didn't talk much after the first year of life, but now my mom can't get me to be quiet by my second birthday. I have my older sister, who I can interact with daily.
  • Psychosocial: First Two Years

    I develop a secure attachment. I play happily with other children and interact with them easily. My mom didn't work, but enrolled my sister and I into a headstart program. I loved playing with other children.
  • Cognitive: The Play Years

    I talked a lot in kindergarten Sang and memorized songs that my older sister taught me. Was a good student in kindergarten, learned how to say the abc's and the pledge of allegiance.
  • Physcosocial: The Play Years

    My parents gave my sister (who's birthday is a day before mine) and I a birthday party at McDonalds with my closest friends. Every year after this we celebrated our birthday parties together.
  • Biosocial: The Play Years

    At age six I was in kindergarten, drawing and painting was my favorite. I would make a mess at my house and have paint on my clothes and my hands. Bike riding with my best friend was another favorite and my dad taught me how to swim. Began piano lessons.
  • Psychosocial: The School Years

    My youngest sister was born. It became apparent to me that I was the middle child and no longer the "baby" of the family.
  • Biosocial:The School Years

    The first day of middle school. My parents enrolled me into a Catholic school with a nun as my teacher who was very strict. Gym was my favorite class. I signed up for gymnastics and dance classes.
  • Cognitive:The School Years

    The last day of fifth grade! I was on the honor roll and learned sign language and polish. This was the only year I learned sign language because of the school discontinuing the program.
  • Biosocial: Adolescence

    Had my first crush on a boy. Was traumatized because I had my first period.
  • Psychosocial: Adolescence

    I started high school. Joined the pom pon team. Later became captain. Was on homecoming court twice throughout high school. Started dating my first boyfriend. Gained and lost friends through the transition of junior high to high school.
  • Biosocial: Emerging Adulthood

    Started dating my boyfriend of five years. Became interested in running. Entered my first 5k race.
  • Cognitive: Adolescence

    Was an average" student throughout high school. Took the ACT and started focusing on where I wanted to go to college and what I wanted to do with my life.
  • Cognitive: Emerging Adulthood

    Graduated dental hygiene school at the University of Detroit Mercy. One of my biggest accomplishments and goals. Very challenging but rewarding!
  • Psychosocial: Emerging Adulthood

    Became depressed because of the emotional break-up with my boyfriend of 5 years. On the postitve side, I became close with many people made many new friends. Became more independent and started traveling more.
  • Cognitive: Adulthood

    Graduate from nursing school. Begin a new full-time career.
  • Psychosocial: Adulthood

    Get engaged and married!
  • Biosocial: Adulthood

    Give birth to my first child.
  • Cognitive: Late Adulthood

    Retirement from nursing. Begin volunteering for the nursing homes and hospitals part-time.
  • Psychosocial: Late Adulthood

    After retirment, my husband and I buy a house in Florida. Live there six months out of the year. The other six months are spent in Michigan visiting our children and grandchildren.
  • Biosocial: Late Adult

    I start having trouble with my vision. My running turns into walking.
  • Death

    Die at 95.