Life Span Development Timeline Project

  • Moving and Perceiving: Touch and Pain

    Moving and Perceiving: Touch and Pain
    Touch and Pain may be experience expectant for normal growth.

    When I was little my mom would tell me not to touch the stove when it was on. But I would still touch it anyways and burn my finger. I then learned that when I touched what I was not supposed to, I experienced pain.
  • Emotional Development: Separation Anxiety

    Emotional Development: Separation Anxiety
    Separation Anxiety is tears, dismay, or anger when a familiar caregiver leaves. When I was little I hated when I had to be dropped off at pre school or when my parents had an event and I was stuck with a babysitter. I would cry whenever either one of my parents would leave because I did not like being apart from them.
  • Obstacles to Logic: Irreversibility

    Obstacles to Logic: Irreversibility
    Irreversibility is when a young child thinks that nothing can be undone. When my family and I would go to the sandbar, there would be seaweed on the ground of one part of the sandbar. My parents would then move the boat to the part of the sandbar with no seaweed in the sand. However, I would still think that the seaweed was there even though it wasn't. So I still would not touch the sand.
  • Brain Maturation: Improved behaviors and abilities

    Brain Maturation: Improved behaviors and abilities
    Improved behaviors and abilities is when a child is able to have a longer attention span and has improved capacity for self- control. In elementary school, I excelled in the classroom. I was a very active kid but when it came to school I was able to sit down and pay attention for as long as need. I had a longer attention span.
  • Physical Activity: Benefits of Physical Activity

    Physical Activity: Benefits of Physical Activity
    Benefits of physical activity is when a child advances in physical, emotional, and mental health. As a younger child, I played many different sports throughout all of the different seasons. In my opinion I think that is why I was able to have my fun and then was able to sit down and do some school. Also, some of my friends that did not play sports or do physical activity are typically in a bad mood and have lower energy compared to my friends and I that did do physical activity.
  • Family Function

    Family Function
    Family function is the way a family works to meet the needs of its members. My family is a family that will drop something to be there for another family member. An example of this would be if me or my brother had a game, my parents would put them on a calendar and make sure that nothing is planned on whatever day one of our games was on. That way we would all be there to support one another.
  • Body Rhythm: Circadian Rhythm

    Body Rhythm: Circadian Rhythm
    In body rhythm, hormones can cause a phase delay in sleep-wake cycles. As I got older, I realized that my hormones were causing a phase delay in my sleep schedule. Some nights I would be able to fall asleep early and some nights I would not be able to fall asleep until 11 pm or 12 am.
  • Relationships with Peers: Selection

    Relationships with Peers: Selection
    Selection is when teenagers select friends whose values and interests they share, abandoning friends who follow other paths. As I have gotten older, I have realized that most of my friends have similar ideas, values, and interests look someone like mine. However, not all of my friends and I agree on everything but we do not let that affect our friendship. Approaching college, I hope that I remember to hear others beliefs and values as I make even more friends.