Life span development

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    Prenatal period

    Conception to birth
    I was born September 9th 1997
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    First few years of my life

    I loved to smile at people and giggles people always said I was such a happy baby. They never seen me cry only when I was hungry. (Biological)
    My first word was mom, which I said my word word around 6 months ago.
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    Early childhood

    One thing I did a lot growing up was I went to work with my dad he taught me everything I needed to know about semi trucks. Till this day he thinks I’m going to become a truck driver( cognitive) When I wasn’t with my dad I would be laughing and playing with my older sister I loved to play with baby dolls (bio social)
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    Middle and late childhood

    I started school when I was 6 years old I went to a school called apple academy. (Cognitive I made a lot of friends after being there for a year I moved to the big kid school where I started kindergarten. (Psychosocial )
    I was in lots of sports through out my elementary school years including basketball dance cheerleading.
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    Early adulthood

    I have met some amazing friends in college I hope I can stay close with them. (Psychosocial). We would go out to the movies hang out at the mall and even chill at each other’s houses and help work on homework.
    Moving out of my parents house when I was 18 was a big step for me finally getting a relality check now I had to start paying for stuff on my own having bills was hard to handle at first (soco emotional)
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    Middle adulthood

    I’m going through a midlife crisis I am 60 years old driving a brand new Ford Mustang I want to go buy a cabin for my grand kids to stay at. I am loving my job I have been working there for 30 some years now( Psychosocial)
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    Late adulthood

    I have recently got diagnosed with cancer my mother had it the same age as me I’m glad I got checked out. My hearing is going bad i frequently say what. (Cognitive). I just recently decided that I should retire I am getting to old to be working( Psychosocial) I have 12 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren I love them all dearly. I have talked to family and friends about how I want my funeral because I know the time will be coming real soon.