life plan

  • beginning of high school

  • became an inter house-sport princess

  • went to the pool for the first time

  • won a scholarship competition

  • went to the hostel for the first time

  • left the boarding house

  • graduated junior high school

  • began senior high school

  • made my first best friend

  • my mum got hospitalized

  • decided my future ambition

  • my mum came back from the hospital

  • went back to the boarding house fully

  • became an acting prefect

  • joined a dance group

  • became a prefect

  • wrote my first external exam

  • my sister broke her arm

  • finished my external exams

  • graduated senior high school

  • wrote the SAT exam

  • created my first bank account

  • got lost in a market

  • started preparing to leave nigeria

  • got my american visa

  • life documents got stolen

  • left nigeria

  • got to US

  • came to St,George

  • started summer classes

  • finished sumer classes

  • started fall classes

  • got my first job

  • leaving St.George for holiday

  • move to a new house

  • getting a bachelor's degree

  • get into graduate school

  • become a pharmarcist

  • get married at dubai

  • go to paris