I was born in Bangkok, Thailand. -
Immigrating to America
The war in Burma forced my family and many others to immigrate to America, to run away from the oppression and violence. -
Leaving EACS: Entering FWCS
I lost many of my friends, and had to move to a new home, far away from everybody that I knew. -
Start at Harrison Hill
Entering in the middle of the school year, I had difficulty making any friends, and started to over-eat and isolate myself, eventually growing up obese. -
Becoming a Monk
I spent a summer as a monk at my temple, and had to take part in all of the events we had, including praying in the morning, and eating very few times throughout the day. -
Life at New Tech
Starting my life at New Tech, I was forced to come out of my comfort zone and found people just like me. I made plenty of new friends and joined several different clubs and sports since then. -
Joining the Wrestling Team
Although I was not very good at it, I trained every day to become better. This made me more active and got me in much better shape than I was entering high school with. This also helped me build my character and become more diligent in not just sports, but now my daily life. -
Joining Key Club
After joining Key Club, I quickly rose through the ranks and started taking an active role as a leader in the club. I started taking initiative in our project, and wanted to become a better student-leader. This made me more confident in myself and my abilities, which contributed to many other school and sports events later on in my high school life. -
Part of Trio UpwardBound
After being accepted in to UpwardBound, I was given several new resources to help with my school life, and was given more opportunities to take part in community events. I also met new people and made many more friends in other schools because of it. -
Summer Academy
After spending a summer with my friends at UB, I started to build stronger bonds with many of them, and started to become more interested in other schools. -
Touring the Capital
I spent a week touring around Washington,D.C. and learning new things about the founding of America. I was given the opportunity to visit museums and historical monuments, and had started to become more interested in travelling. -
I visited Chicago, Illinois on a STEAM trip and learned about the cultural and technological advancements that have been made in the city. i was able to visit museums, and travel around the city viewing beautiful architecture, as well as become more exposed to different cultural areas. -
2nd Sister Born