Life of Keesha Hardy;)

  • Birth

    I was born today, at 10:20am.
  • First day of KinderGarden

    I started Junior KinderGarden, At St.Bernard School.
  • First Tropical Trip- Orlando Florida

    Today of December 20th 2005, my family and I went on a trip to Orlando for a Chrismas present!
  • Went to See Justin Bieber 1st Row!!!

    On October 18th 2010, I saw Justin Bieber live in first row in Toronto Ontario!
  • Trip to Jamaica

    January 19th 2012 my family and I went on a 7 day trip to Jamaica for my birthday
  • Germany

    My family and I went to Germany Europe.
  • NHL game! LA Kings vs Montreal Canadians

    last december My family and I went to Montreal Quebec, to go see La Kings and Momtreal Canadians