life in asia
I wa born in asia and life for me was pretty easy for me when i lived there. But when i wa about five years old my mother was shot by a soldgier.I did not know why that happned to my mom. my sister missed her too that's why i am going to live in america.what i want people to learn about me is how my life was in asia and how i became brave in america without my mom. -
i was glad that my sister was with me the entire time evan though she was with her new friends too. i was also with my dad sometimes but we had to get seperated when we stayed at a hotel. at least i nd the next day i stayed with my sister and the next day i made some new friends there. i decided that i am going to like it here in america. when i grow up i am going to be a good nurse an right now i am going to be trained how to be a nurse. -
arrivel at angel island
when i was fifteen yearsn old my familey told me that we are moving to calformia. i was scaredwhen we got on the boat because it was loud. there were people that were speaking diffrent languages that i never evan heared of my big sister told me that there is nothing to worry about. when we arrived at angel island i relized that my sister was right. -
after a year getting used to it i finally became a nurse. i loved it very much because when there was someone getting sick i was able to cure them very well. so i relized i was wrong about liviing hereso i started a new life living in america to be a nurse. also able to give the people full shots so thats how i loved being a nurse in america