Mar 8, 1000
Boy Jesus At The Temple 8AD
Luke 2:41-52As a boy Jesus spends the day at the temple while his parents are looking for him. -
Apr 1, 1000
Jesus Birth Announced 6BC
Luke 1:26-38 NIVGabriel comes to Mary to say she is with child who is Christ the Lord. -
Apr 8, 1000
Birth of Christ 6BC
Decree of a census to bet taken. Jesus is born in Bethlehem to the virgin Mary. Luke 2:1-7 -
Apr 8, 1025
Jesus Baptized 25AD
Matthew 3:13-17Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist in teh Jordan River. -
Jul 8, 1025
Jesus Tempted 25AD
Matthew 4:1-11Jesus wandered teh wilderness for 40 days and nights being tempted by thedevil. -
Apr 8, 1027
12 Disciples 27AD
Matthew 10:2-4Jesus calls upon twelve men to be fishers of men. This is teh creation of the twelve apostles. -
Jul 8, 1027
Jesus Calms The Storm 27AD
Matthew 8:18-27While out on a boat fishing with disciples Jesus calms a storm by His spoken words. -
Apr 8, 1029
Last Supper 29AD
Matthew 26:17-30Jesus and His disciples gather for the last passover meal, which is the basis for holy communion today. This is the last supper before Jesus dies. -
Sep 8, 1029
Jesus Death 29AD
Matthew 27:31-34Jesus is crucified on the cross bearing the sins of humanity on the cross. -
Sep 11, 1029
Jesus Is Risen
Matthew 28:2-15Three days later Jesus rises from the dead conquering sin, death, and the devil. He is alive!