Life of George Washington Carver

  • Birth of George Washington Carver

    Birth of George Washington Carver
    George Washington Carver was born in Diamond; Missouri. The exact birthdate of George Washington Carver is unknown. It is estimated that George Washington Carver was born in January of 1861 or 1864.
  • Simpson college

    Simpson college
    in the year of 1890 George Washington Carver attended Simpson college in Indiana; Iowa. The exact date that George Washington carver attended Simpson college is unknown. During his time at Simpson college, George Washington Carver studied art and piano. George Washington Carver's art teacher encouraged him to pursue a career in Botany.
  • First prize

    First prize
    In the year of 1893 George Washington Carver won first prize for his sketch of the rose Yucca Gloriosa at the World's Columbian Exposition. The exact of day of his winning is unknown.
  • Teaching

    In April of 1896 George Washington Carver was offered a position to become a teacher at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. The exact date is unknown.
  • Masters degree

    Masters degree
    George Washington carver Earned his masters degree in agriculture in the year of 1896. The exact date is unknown.
  • Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts

    Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts
    In the year of 1916 George Washington Carver was admitted to the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts in England. The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts was the oldest scientific organization. The exact date is unknown.
  • The Sweet Potato

    The Sweet Potato
    In 1918, he went to the War Department in Washington, D.C., to demonstrate his findings on the sweet potato. George Washington Carver then proceed to create several products out of the sweet potato such as; cereal coffee, a shoe polish, paste, oils and much more. The exact date is unknown.
  • Award

    In 1923 George Washington carver was awarded Spingarn Medal of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The exact date is unknown.
  • Death of George Washington Carver

    Death of George Washington Carver
    George Washington Carver died at the age of 78, after he fell a long flight of stairs. However, the cause of George Washington Carver's death was anemia. George Washington Carver died on January 5th of the year 1943. He was buried in Washington, on Tuskegee ground.
  • Funding

    In 1940, George Washington Craver gave up his life savings of $33 thousand, to establish the George Washington Carver Foundation at Tuskegee Institute to continue research in agriculture and chemistry. The exact date is unknown.