
Life of Doug

  • Chapter 1

    Douglas Spaulding's summer begins. (:
  • Chapter 2

    Douglas discovers he's truely alive! (:
  • Chapter 3

    Doug and Grandfather make the first Dandelion Wine of the summer! (:
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    Life of Doug

  • Chapter 5

    Doug finally gets the tennis shoes he has been dreaming about. (:
  • Chapter 7

    Douglas and Grandfather set up the porch swing and Doug loves listening to all the adults talking on the porch. (:
  • Chapter 9

    Leo Auffman decides to make a Happiness Machine which makes Doug happy. (:
  • Chapter 13

    Leo Auffman finishes the Happiness Machine only for it to catch on fire a few hours later and Doug becomes upset. ):
  • Chapter 17

    Doug and his friends go to see Colonel Freeleigh, Colonel tells the boys some stories and Doug is intrigued by his memory and really enjoys the stories and he realizes that Colonel is a real time machine. (:
  • Chapter 20

    Doug and his friends go on the last trolley ride ever and Doug is sad because he will never feel the way he feels on a trolley again. ):
  • Chapter 21

    John, Doug's best friend, moves out of town and Doug is upset. ):
  • Chapter 25

    Colonel Freeleigh dies and Doug is sad because all of Colonel's memories are gone. ):
  • Chapter 32

    Douglas' great grandmother dies which makes Doug emotionally sad but spirtually, he knows that she will always be the/re which is comforting. ): & (: