I was born on May 5, 2001 in Abington Memorial Hospital. I was the first child of my parents. On this day, the world became a better place and a legend was born.- -
On this tragic day, terrorist members of Al Qaeda flew two planes into the Twin Towers in New York City. Over 2,000 innocent people died and there were many more casualties. To this day, we still remember those that died in this disaster and honor those who served to help those in need on this day. This was influenced me to because it tells me that life is precious, and you must cherish it at all times because you never know what could happen further down the road. -
Homeland Security Act
The Homeland Security Act was made official in 2002 during George Bush's presidency. The purpose of this law was to prevent other awful acts of destruction or terrorism after the events of 9/11. This act was meant to increase the protection of the US from any foreign threats. Although it is argued that this was a waste of money, the Homeland Department is still around today. This is influential to me because I think that it is important that our government puts in the best effort to protect us. -
Iraq War
The Iraq War began when the US claimed that Iraq had weapons that posed an imminent threat to the US and could cause mass destruction. Along with this, the war was fought due to the thought that more terrorism acts could occur. The aftermath of this war caused many casualties and led to more radical jihadist groups forming. This event has taught me that war and fighting isn't the answer to everything, and that there are more than one solution to a problem. -
George Bush Reelection
This day was when George Bush won the election for the second time against Democratic nominee John Kerry. This election was interesting because Bush had the smallest popular vote margin ever for a reelected candidate. Along with this, the election marked the first time a Republican had won the popular vote majority since his father. This has an influence on me and my life because many of the laws Bush passed during his era are present today, along with past ones that have changed society today. -
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina is one of the most disastrous storms that have ever hit America. This Hurricane hit mostly the Gulf Coast, and southern states. Tons of people were forced to be dispatched from their homes and many others were killed by the deadly storm. The storm caused about 100 billion in damage and had caused quite a problem for the government. This speaks out to me because I know that if something like this had hit where I live, I would want the government to act on it as quick as possible -
Detainee Treatment Act
The law was made nationwide in the US that stated that any agencies or military divisions that serve the US may not use cruel or unjust punishment against prisoners or suspects. This law basically made it illegal for acts of torture to be used in the US. This influences me because I agree on the fact that immoral punishment should not be used on potential enemies to the US. So, if we use torture on them, it really doesn't make us better than the enemies themselves. -
Bank Bailout
The bank bailout of 2008 was one of the biggest economic scares/threats since the Great Depression. During this, treasury had to pay around 700 billion dollars to prevent the banks from closing because of the financial crash. This bank crash was primarily caused by the Great Recession, which began in 2007. This affects me because if the bank had not been bailed out, then a worldwide depression could have started. This would be similar yo the Great Depression, and many jobs would be lost. -
Obama Becomes First African American President
On this day, Barack Obama was elected as the first African American president of the USA. Obama ran against John McCain and gained his presidency after serving in the senate for over 2 years. He was a Democrat and was partnered with Joe Biden, who became the vice president once Obama was elected. This is influential to me because it shows that anyone can be anything, no matter what race, ethnicity, or religion you are. -
Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act, is a law put in place by Obama that requires health care for all citizens in the US. Along with this, Obamacare also provides an affordable plan to those who can't afford healthcare expenses. Today, this is an arguable law in which some people think that healthcare should not be required. This affects me because I think it does good for everyone in the fact that everyone can be cared for in times of accidents and sickness. -
The Gulf Oil Disaster
The Gulf Oil Disaster was one of the worst environmental calamities in US history. This accident was caused when the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. Although the Obama Administration tried to take hold of the situation, the were not able to plug the leaking oil causing around 3.2 million barrels of oil had leaked into the gulf. This situation has shown me that as a country, we need to control environmental hazards with much more caution and take care of our world. -
Shore House
On this day, me and my family bought a shore house in Sea Isle, New Jersey. My family and I love the beach, so this was a new and exciting experience for us. Every summer we go down, and spend a couple weeks through out the summer at the beach. -
First Dog
A big event in my life was when my family bought a dog. Me and my siblings had been wanting a dog for years, but my parents always refused. Eventually, my parents finally gave in, and we bought a labradoodle, which we named Griffin. I still have my dog today and love having him with me -
Travel Soccer
On this day, I joined my first travel soccer team. I had played intermural soccer previous to this, but it was time I joined a more competitive league. So, I tried out for Hunter Soccer, and made the team. Since then, I have loved the sport and still play it. -
Sandy Hook Shooting
This tragic event occurred when a young adult entered Sand Hook Elementary with 3 guns and shot his mother (a teacher) , 20 students, and 6 adults before taking his own life. This is one of the worst shootings in American History. The influence that this event has on me is that is makes me feel the need for better gun control. As we have seen through the past years, many violent attacks have broken out with guns. This shows that the government must improve control on the distribution of firearms -
Boston Bombing
The Boston Bombing occurred during the annual Boston Marathon when 2 teenage brothers from the republic of Kyrgyzstan set off 2 pipe bombs. These explosions killed 3 spectators and wounded over 260 people. One brother was later killed and the other taken into custody. This is influential to me because it shows me that it is time that the country needs to strengthen security at big public places and events. Acts of terrorism are being more common in the modern world, and we need to fight it. -
First Day of 7th Grade
The first day of middle school was both an exciting but nervous one for everyone. I did not know many people and really didn't know how the school functioned. But, after many years, I have gained great friends and many new experiences. -
First School Soccer Team
My first sports team was 7th grade. As I was still getting used to the Jr. High, I decided I wanted to try out for the school team. On the first day of tryouts, I saw all the people that were trying out, and I became nervous. But, I overcame this nervousness and worked as hard as possible to make the team. This hard work paid off as on the last day of tryouts, the final list had me on it. -
Cruise to Bermuda
My Trip to Bermuda is one that I will remember for years to come. This occurred when my family, cousins, and grandparents, all took a cruise to Bermuda to celebrate my grandparents 50th anniversary. Although the cruise was fun, I enjoyed exploring Bermuda even more. The island had many interesting places, and beautiful beaches too. This trip has made me eager to explore the world, and has also increased my wanting of trying new things and to go to new places. -
The First Professional Soccer Game I Went To
The first professional soccer game I ever went to was the Philadelphia Union. For a long time I had been wanting to go to a Union game. When we finally got to go, I was overwhelmed with excitement. The game was so much fun and the seats were great. At the end, I was even able to get autographs by some of the players. This is important to me because this moment made many of the players my role models and I have reflected on the team during many times of my life. -
First Sleep away Camp
I loved my first sleep away camp. This camp was a soccer camp called EPYSA. At this camp, trainers helped you improve your skills in soccer. This camp also had many other activities you could do on your free time, such as swimming, tennis, and more. I even got to meet a Union player! Although this camp was only about a week and a half long, I still loved the experience -
Gay Rights Legalized
On this day, gay marriage became legal nationwide. After many movements nationally, the Supreme Court found that under the 14th Amendment, anyone can marry anybody freely. Before this, only 37 states and the District of Columbia allowed same sex marriage. This influences me because I believe that you should be able to choose who you want to be with, regardless of whatever gender you are. It also shows that the government is really trying to make the country fair and free. -
Removal of the Confederate Flag
In South Carolina, the Confederate flag was removed by officers from the Capitol after the governor approved its removal.Crowds had surrounded the Capitol and chanting began as the flag was taken down. It was mostly a cheerful site, but others believe that this was wrong. These people think that the flag represents southern pride. I believe that this was the right decision because this flag has a lot of bad history behind it. By taking down this flag, I think the country can forget this past. -
Legalization of Euthanasia in California
The legalization of euthanasia in California was made official after a case where a woman was suffering from severe brain cancer and moved to Oregon (where euthanasia is legal) to end her life. This brought up many disputes until the governor of California signed a bill allowing for doctor assisted suicide. This speaks out to me because I believe that the family or patient should have a say in deciding to live or die during awful occasions such as comatose -
Moving was an interesting experience for me. Although I only moved about 3/4 of a mile, it still changed much of my life. I had lived in the same house for almost 15 years. So, when we moved, it was an emotional time,but I have adjusted to my new surroundings and love the house I live in today. -
- Obamacare - obamacarefacts.com
- Hurricane Katrina- History.com
- Boston Bombing-History.com
- C.Flag Removal- USA Today
- Sandy Hook- CNN.com
- 9/11- History.com 7.Euthanasia- Findlaw.com
- Obama Wins Election- Nytimes.com 9.Bush Reelection- Washington Post
- Gulf Oil Disaster- ocean.si.edu 11..Gay Rights- hufffington post
- Bank Bailout- Forbes
- Iraq War- history.com
- Torture Illegal- commondreams.org
- Homeland Security- hsgac.senate.gov