
Life of Abraham Lincoln

  • Birth

    Lincolns date of birth
  • Mothers death

    Lincolns mother dies of milk sickness
  • First en-listment

    Lincoln en-lists in the Black Hawk War
  • Re-enlistment

    Lincoln en-lists Black Hawk War a second time
  • Third en-listment

    Lincoln en-lists in the Black Hawk War a third time
  • Re-elected

    Lincoln was re-elected in Illinois General Assembly
  • Marriage

    Lincoln got married to Marry Todd Lincoln
  • Lincolns first son

    Lincolns first son Robert Todd Lincoln was born
  • Third debate

    Lincoln-Douglas debate at the slave state borders
  • Speech

    Lincoln gives his pre-presidential speech
  • Elected

    Lincoln is elected to be the 16th president
  • The Baltimore plot

    The baltimore plot to assassinate Lincoln
  • Ignauguration

    The inauguration of Lincoln
  • Assassinated

    Lincoln was assassinated
  • Memorial

    Lincoln dedicated memorial