Life Map Presentation

  • Growing up on Long Island, NY

    Growing up on Long Island, NY
    My first event is the entirety of my childhood. We grew up poor in a super rich neighborhood. I went to school with kids who lived in mansions and wore designer clothes. I didn't have any friends (likely affecting my social development in some way) and became extremely shy. It was the first time in my life when I started considering politics & economics. This mostly was Industry vs Inferiority (school age) and affected all systems I believe!
  • Losing Two Friends

    Losing Two Friends
    The next significant event was losing two friends to heroin overdoses between the ages of 16 & 17. (Identity vs. Role Confusion) I was devastated, angry, and motivated to never let that happen again. I felt conflicted by personal responsibility vs. social responsibility for decisions and how much the government affects the individual. (Both of my friends had "petty" charges against them and felt hopeless about their futures). This was both Micro & Mezzo.
  • An Abusive Relationship

    An Abusive Relationship
    My next most significant life experience was moving in with my long-term boyfriend and him becoming physically abusive. (Mezzo) This led me to feel hopeless, have a loss of confidence, and become depleted of energy. (Micro) I understood the relationship between societal situations and individual experiences. (Macro/ Mezzo/ Micro) He was a DREAMER and developed an addiction and became abusive because he felt hopeless and worthless. I was 20. This is my Intimacy vs. Isolation stage.
  • Meeting My Husband

    Meeting My Husband
    I met my husband and was accepted into a community I felt more at home in. I was able to be at peace and concentrate on my studies. We moved across country and have begun a life together. (Intimacy Vs. Isolation) This affected my micro development. I was 22.