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Influenced by my mother
My mother raised my sister and I as a single mother. I have been inspired by her continually to advocate on behalf of gender and culture within the South Asian community -
Dancing at Carabram
I have been dancing in my community's multicultural festival since this time. It has reaffirmed my belief in community building and creative chane - especially within the South Asian community. -
Millennium Dreamers
I was 10 years old and was chosen as 1 of 80 Canadians to attend a three day youh conference with 2000 other young leaders to bring in the new millennium. I got to meet so many amazing children and their families from all across the globe. -
Pearson Seminar on Youth Leadership (PSYL)
In the summer of 2005 I went to UWC Pearson College for the summer of a lifetime. With about 120 young people from all over the globe, I learnt how to question the world around me and how to begin to be a world leader. -
Trip to Italy - Global Journeys
Traveled to Italy for a one month summer course in Philosophy with 20 other students from the Toronto area. An amazing experience that helped me think more deeply about the interconnected and fascinating world we live in. This was another exercise in going after something and getting it. -
World Religions Class
I took a World Religions class in Grade 11 and was disappointed in the way it was taught, and in the way diversity was conceptualized. I took it upon myself to learn more. -
Featured in Globe and Mail Article on Multiculturalism
I was featured in an article in the Globe and Mall about Multiculturalism and Ethnic Enclaves. It caused a lot of controversy in my high school and in my community and I will never forget the lessons I learned from it. I think grappling with multiculturalism became my passion that day. -
Save the Girls
Co-founded Save the Girls to raise awareness about Sex-Selective abortion in Brampton Ontario and beyond. -
Youth Column for South Asian Observer
Started writing a column for local newspaper, South Asian observer, on issues of diaspora, youth, gender, religion/culture in Canada -
Reasonably Accommodating Religion Class
Made it my mission to work on these issues/issues such as these always after this class. -
Work in Kenya
I worked in rural Kenya for an educational NGO for 3 months. Here, I started becoming more passionate about community development, cultural dialogue and youth education. As a South Asian Canadian woman from Canada doing development work, my thoughts about citizenship and immigration began to get more cultivated through this experience. -
19th IYLC in Prague
Attended a youth leadership seminar for 1 week in Prague where I met others from around the world and learnt about being a world leader in a complex global system. -
Metropolis Conference 2011
Went to the Metropolis Conference in Vancouver in 2011 and learnt about many issues that have consumed me since. I met John Monahan, the Executive Director of the Mosaic Institute, and have since become really active and continually interested in Mosaic's work to harness Canada's diversity for peace and social justice at home and abroad. -
Lived in India
I went to India and lived and worked there for 8 months. My work for a women's organization there (Jagori Grameen) really hit home this idea that gender issues are something I need to fight for. -
I worked as a research analyst on issues of gender and migration at UNDP APRC in Bangkok. Realized that my strengths lie in researching these issues. -
Masters Candidate, Global Affairs
Now I am in my second year of my Masters in Global Affairs and am thinking about creative reseach oriented projects that I might engage in as I move forward in my PhD endeavours towards knowledge dissemination and production on community building, gender, development and diversity.