Life Map

  • Period: to

    Life Map

    From birth to today, all the ingredients that have gone into making me, me.
  • Move Along

    Move Along
    When I was four years old my family relocated from Wisconsin to Washington state. This was an early childhood event and in the Autonomy vs. Doubt stage. We moved to a small town in the middle of the mountains. The environment shaped my life's hobbies. I adopted the values that were lived out in the surrounding community and there formed lifelong friendships that I have today. Systems impacted are myself, my family, friends and community on a micro level.
  • Fueled by Faith

    Fueled by Faith
    In middle childhood, Industry vs. inferiority stage, I made the decision to devote my life to following Jesus. I was seven years old. This influenced my life trajectory in that it shaped how I view my purpose and serves as a constant guide for me in decision making. The systems impacted include myself, my friends, family and every person I interact with. This influence is on the micro level.
  • Lessons in Life and Loss

    Lessons in Life and Loss
    When I was nine years old, going through the middle childhood's Industry vs. inferiority stage, my brother died in a car crash. This was my first experience with loss. It influenced my life's trajectory in that it made me view life as something fragile and precious. It forced me reassess priorities, gave a new value family and birthed resiliency. This is a micro level influence, impacting myself, my family and our surrounding community.
  • Putting Compassion First

    Putting Compassion First
    Many events were found in young adulthood, the stage of Intimacy vs. Isolation. Off and on from ages 20-24 I lived in Indonesia, working with an anti-trafficking organization. This experience exposed me to numerous social injustices and third world struggles. It influenced my life trajectory by instilling a passion to serve, an international mindset and a desire to pursue a people-oriented career. Systems impacted are myself and the organization I was involved with a micro and mezzo level.
  • In it for the Long Haul

    In it for the Long Haul
    The last event I've chosen is my marriage to my childhood best friend. I was 24, in the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage of early adulthood, similar to how I am now. This shaped my life trajectory because it forced me to think as a team and not an individual. Compromising to accommodate another's passions spurred an alteration of my personal dreams and led to me a place where I finally decided to pursue my MSW. Systems impacted are myself, my husband and our families on a micro level.