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My Life Journey

By JulieA
  • Background information

    Background information
    My name is Juliet Oluchichukwu Adanne Alozie. I was born on a Thursday on the 19th of September 2002 in Enugu State Nigeria. I love my country:)
  • School

    I attended four different schools while living in Nigerian. I graduate from nursing 3 in my second school. As a result of the money issue, I move school a lot.
  • Lost Friend

    Lost Friend
    When I was 8 years old, I lost one of my closest friends to a fire incident. There were 3 other younger kids involved in that incident and thankfully, none of them died, but I lost a true friend. It was very devasting for her family and I. This incident has always been with me, since then and I have always thought of her and what she meant to me.
  • Not my year

    Not my year
    One day I poured hot water on myself. So this is how it started. After my dad mixed some warm water for us to take shower with, I wanted it very warm. So I boiled more hot water and added, my brother warned me but I didn't listen and after I added more hot water, I was so ignorant, the water ended up too hot and I ended up burning myself. I also burned my right leg after school one day when I was leaning on a motorcycle waiting for my brother to come out, not knowing the engine was hot.
  • My poor hair

    My  poor hair
    One day I went to sleep with gum in my mouth, I guess I didn't remember to spit it out before bed. When I woke up, the gum was dried up on my hair and I couldn't get it off when I tried. I had to go get my whole hair shaved. I was so disappointed because I loved my hair and also do a cut style with it :(
  • Greatest life event

    Greatest life event
    In June 2015, I left Nigeria and came to the United States after a tragic event occurred in my family. I was so sad to leave the people that I have ever known and love but at the same time, I knew this was a new opportunity for me to start over. When I first got to the U.S. I was so amused by all its beauty and couldn't wait to see what life has in store for me here.
  • Passion

    My passion has always been to help others since I was 7 years old. The best way that I think that I will be able to help others is by being a doctor. I have always had a passion for fashion since I was 10. At age 17 I was one of the models in two fashion show events and I enjoyed it a lot. I am planning to be a model and be in many fashion shows when I go off to college as a part-time job.
  • First Graduation in US school

    First Graduation in US school
    To many people, it might not be a huge deal but to me, it is. In May 2019 I had my first graduation in the United States when I graduated Jr. High. This is one of the biggest accomplishments for me because I also graduated with many awards. In Africa, many people are not able to attend school or graduate because they didn't pay school fees, so I'm really grateful to be able to attend school for free and graduate.
  • Online learning

    Online learning
    Online learning occurred during 2019-2020 because of COVID-19 and it affected not only me but other students. The reason this is significant to me is that I didn't grow up using a computer, so it was a big challenge to try to figure out how it works, and how I could really use it throughout the year. Online learning for almost 2 years straight was a big task.
  • Happiest day of the year

    Happiest day of the year
    On October 2 of 2021, the day of my cousins' wedding, I got the chance to see lots of family members. I haven't seen a lot of my aunties, and uncles for 7 whole years. I also have never met three of my cousins before, so this day was really a huge deal for me. I got to talk, hang out and know more about my family members :)