Go Show cattle in Colorado
I love showing cattle and me and my dad have always wanted to show some wher big so this was a big event for me and my dad. -
Scuba Diving
I have always wanted to know what it would be like underwater. So this will show me all of the creatures under the see and all of the beautiful colors! -
I have seen people zipline before and it looks so much fun. I love going fast so I think this event would be really fun. -
Running with the bulls in Spain
Even though I feel bad for the bulls, I think it would be a thriller. Since I cant die it would be fun. At least I think so. -
Go to Mars
I wonder what Mars would be like? Thats why I would like to do this. Just to see what another planet is like. -
Swimming with Sharks
Sharks facinate me and what better way to look at them than swim with them. I dont die so I am not to nervous about this! -
Go to Switzerland
I am a big part of Swiss in my ancestory life. My great grandpa even knows how to speak Swiss. Plus I think they have beautiful scenery! -
Going Skydiving
I am not to scared of heights but I am sure if I get high enough I would get a few butterflies in my stomach. I think it would be so much fun to just glide through air too! -
Wrestle a Crocadile
Of course I would win this fight! I dont care if he bites me because I cant die! -
Win a million dollars
I wouldnt keep all of the money to my self. I would donate it to charitys. -
Climb Mount Everest
Since today is my birthday I though I better take a little walk up the biggest mountain in the world. -
Bungi jump off the Grand Cannyon
Since I have be liking heights lately I might as well take a jump off the Grand Cannyon. I love to see all of the different shapes of the rocks and stuff too! -
Go white water raffting down the Colorado River
I have always wanted to do this. I love kayaking down the Turkey River so I should love this. I think the current will be a little bit stronger though! -
Go to the Amazon Rainforest
The reason I wanted to do this is because I love wildlife. There is plenty of wildlife in the rainforest! -
Create organization for kids
Since this is my last major event I decided to make it important. The organization I want to create is one that will allow the kids who arent able to do amazing things be able to do them. Like, go white water raffting or ziplinning, some of the stuff I did. Every kid should have the chance to do some thing amazing in life!