Life Events

  • Establishing a Savings Fund

    Establishing a Savings Fund
    Need to start saving early to have money while going to college and starting your adult life
  • Receiving Higher Education

    Receiving Higher Education
    To help secure a successful career, but needs planning and effort to be able to pay for it. Use Investing tools and saving tools. College is expensive.
  • Buying a Vehicle

    Buying a Vehicle
    Buying a Vehicle is Important to help get around to job interviews, to help get around after college. Planning and saving is needed to get the car that fits your life
  • Starting Career

    Starting Career
    Now is the time start that career. You've got an education, you have built connections working for the past few years, but now it's time to do what you've been dreaming about. A lot of planning is needed to know how to approach this.
  • Going on Vacation

    Going on Vacation
    So now you have a steady job, it is time to have some fun while you are still young. After all the years of work, you deserve to take a little break. Use saving tools to prepare for vacation!
  • Building net worth

    Building net worth
    Now is the time to kick it into high gear. Start thinking about building a family, and working really hard. Use saving tools to build net worth.
  • Buying a Home

    Buying a Home
    Before you get married you need a home to live in! Buying a home takes a lot of planning and evaluating to find the right place for you. Investing may be the best way to pay for a home.
  • Getting married

    Getting married
    After buying a home and gaining net worth, it's just about time to think about marriage. Marriage does take a lot of thought and a fair amount of preparation. Use saving tools.
  • Starting a family

    Starting a family
    Starting a family takes even more preparation than most life events. You will want to use saving tools to be prepared to raise a family.
  • Retiring

    Make sure you have worked hard and saved enough money to retire.