This is the best day at of the whole year because i was born!!! -
My first Birthday!
This was my favorite birthday everyone dresses up as either minnie or Mickey mouse -
The day i started kindergarten
I will never forget this day. My mom and dad cried when dropping me off!! -
The first day i went to day care
This was the most horrible day off my life i did not like my day care lady at all -
First day of first grade
This was my favorite grade of my whole entire life. We got nap time for like 2 hours and didnt have to wake up until it was time to go. -
The day i cut my cheeck under my eye open
My neighbors used to drink real heavy and would throw there beer bottle on the ground their kids and my siblings and I were playing little sally walker and I tripped and cut my check right under my eye open. -
My first field trip
This was the best school day ever. We went to the hutchinson museum which is no fun now but when your like 6 it is. -
The day i moved schools
I was so nervous because that was the first time i ever had to go to a new school. -
My new school!
I really enjoyed going to Graber. My teacher was really nice and she was so sweet. -
My new teacher!
My new teacher was actually so nice and she would always bring me snacks and that made me like her more and more each day. -
My new best Friend
At that time i was new to the school and you know how some teachers pick a student to help the new kid around that was my best friend. We became really close because the teacher choose her to guide me around, A lot of people didn't like her because she was different and had a lot of problems. -
Six grade promotion
This was the best day of my life. I had so much fun at six grade promotion. -
The last day of 6th grade.
The last day of 6th grade was really hard for me. My best friend was moving to saint louis and leaving me behind. -
First day of 7th grade
it wasn't as scary as everyone makes it. I had a really fun time in seventh grade i never fell down the stairs or ended up in the wrong class so i call that success. -
8TH grade promotion
I am so excited for 8th grade promotion. People say you often are who you hang out with but for me that is a different story i have not got suspended or into a fight or anything this whole year and i have had all passing grade and I get to move on knowing that i deserve getting promoted into high school!!