Life Cycle of a Pumpkin

  • Plant a pumpkin seed.

    Plant a pumpkin seed.
    Plant a few pumpkin seeds into garden soil.
  • Water the area you planted every other day.

  • Seeds begin to sprout.

    Seeds begin to sprout.
    In 4 -10 days the seeds will begin to sprout out of the ground.
  • Leaves begin to grow.

    Leaves begin to grow.
  • Vines begin to grow.

  • Flowers begin to bloom on the plant.

    Flowers begin to bloom on the plant.
  • A green pumpkin takes shape.

  • The green pumpkin grows till its full size.

    As the pumpkin grows to full size, the color changes from green to orange.
    Link text
  • Vine begins to turn brown.

    Vine begins to turn brown.
    Are pumpkins fruit or a vegetable? Let's find out! Link text
  • Pumpkins are ready to harvest!

    Pumpkins are ready to harvest!
    Use the link to take a quiz on the life cycle of a pumpkin.
    Link text
  • Cut the pumpkin from the stem.

    Cut the pumpkin from the stem.
    You should cut the pumpkin 3 - 4 inches away from the stem.
  • Carve the pumpkin.

    Pumpkins can be outside for 2 - 3 months after harvesting.
    Watch the video here about different faces we can carve on 5 little pumpkins! Link text
  • Keep the seeds!

    Keep the pumpkin seeds to grow more pumpkins next year.
    Listen to the Pumpkin Cycle Song. Link text
  • Time to plant your pumpkin seeds!

    Time to plant your pumpkin seeds!