Graduate from Park Hill High School -
Go to KU
Major in mechancal engineering
$125,000 a year -
Graduate from KU
Grduate with my undergrad degree -
Get into a graduate program
Hopefully a good one. One thatll help me with getting a good career start.
$200,000 a year -
Graduate from college
with a PhD -
Get into a well paying career
hoping to make 6 figures out of college but we'll see
$300,000 made yearly -
Invent something that'll change the world
$600,000 in production -
Buy a house
$1,000,000 -
Become rich off the invention
Making millions maybe billions -
Hit a midlife crisis
Probably buy a sports car, air plane, helicopter, and maybe a cheetah (the animal)
After all the spending $4,000,000 -
Still makeing an exponential amount of money
Hits status - Billionare -
Create a charity program
Im at the point where im making more money than I can give away -
Pay off the National Debt
I have made so much that I have paid off the National Debt
$20,000,000,000 -
55th Birthday
I turn 55 and throw a party of a life time.
Party $7,000,000 -
End to world hunger
Ive reached that point where i have solved most of the worlds problems and it is finally a peaceful place. -
Pass away from old age
Ive lived a good life made many peopl very happy. I just hope ine day someone can carry on my journey and make the world even better.
$500,000 for costs -
Its the end
Heaven is a nice place, see all my friends and family. I think im going to lke it up here.