College! (UMKC)
Saving for retirement
Shadowing a dentist!
find a part time job
Save up for new car
UMKC Dental School!
Shadow an Orthodontist
New car!
Orthodontics Residency
College career over!
Try to find a job as an Orthodontist
Hopefully job search over
Find an apartment
Start saving up for a house
Start saving up for my own Orthodontics practice
New house!
Buy my own practice
Start hiring
Open up shop!
Get married?
Start saving up for parents' hard earned vacation!
Vacation with parents!
Start saving up for second location
Start saving up for new house
Second child!
Move in!
Open up second shop!
Attend 1st child's graduation!
Graduation Present
2nd child's graduation
His/Her grad present
Save up for big vacation with wife
Find new orthodontist
Big vacation!
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