Parent's began saving for my college and retirement
Started high school
Got my first job
First paycheck
First debit card
Bought first car
Graduated high school
Move to california for college
Go to college on scholarships
Took retirement savings account into my own hands
Got a new job
Get new job
Graduate Stanford
Apply for financial aid for medical school
Medical school!
New car
Rent an apartment
Start saving up for a house
Graduate Medical School
Begin paying student loans
Get accepted into an intership
Begin residency
Move into a new house
Became board certified neurologist
Finish paying off student loans
Began specialization training
Finish specialization training
Begin my own practice
Get Married?
Sell home
Start saving for kid's college
Buy bigger home for children
Adopt another kid
Kid's 16th birthday
Kid 1 graduates highschool
Send kid 1 off to college
Retire with hopefully $3 million