Period: to
Imagration/ Westward Expansion
Arriving in America
I arrive in on Ellis Island with my close firend and sister, It was a long trip by boat living in terrible conditions. When we got off, there was a crowd of hundereds all over, with noise so loud I couldn't hear my own sisters voice. I was holding my sisters hand when a rather large group of people come through and split are hand apart. I was knocked to the ground with my friend beside me; my sister was gone. -
Finding Work
After being on Ellis Island for just over a month, I finally was able to get a few oppurtunities for work. I ended up working in a cigarette factory where the air wreaked with smoke, and you came home with your fingeres covered in tar. -
My First Horse
I had been in America for a few years and still had no way to get around. When I had worked up enough money I went and bought a horse, he was brown with a little white spot right between his eyes; hgihly trained and very fast. -
The Race for Land
I was just now informed there was the Homestead Act put into place, and becasue of this I was able to praticipate in the great race for land. When I heard the horn blown I grabbed my horse and ran him towards the land in the west. I was able to rip out the flag in the ground and stake in my own right before three Germans came racing though with their flags. I had done it, and gotten myself some free land. -
Too much rain
It was a cloudy day when the rain hit. It was a huge storm with so much rain I couldn't see my crops out my window. I was worried that with so much rain my crops would be ruined, and I got even more worried when the water level outside rose to be at level with my porch. I ran out in the flood only to find most my crops ruined from overwatering. -
The Attack
A big grey wolf arrived and I took cover inside my house. I knew when I heard the animal scream that the wolf had gotten one of my precious farm animals that I had saved up to buy for so long. I grabbed a gun of my top shelf and raced out to the barn. I shot the wolf in the side and stopped it before he got another one of my animals. -
An Offer
My closest neighbor comes over to tell me he has become very sick and will be gone soon. He also mentions that since he won't be around he wants me to have his land for free. I accept the land wishing him well, and thanking him for the offer. Sad as i was one of my best friends was gone, I had gotten myself some more land.