Birth Rome, Italy
My name is Vinny Dazi, I was born in Rome, Italy in 1855. Life was getting worse in Italy. There was alot of Poverty. Most of Italy was very overpopulated and our government was overrun by northeners. This is when my family and I moved to America. I came to start over and live a better life and get a job and have money. The purpose of writing this autobiography is to explain how life was in early America and what immagrints went through like myself. -
Period: to
Life In Italy
Life was hard itnItaly. Alot of people were poor and had no money. My family was poor and we could not afford school for me. Life was very hard there and my house was very small. I was lucky to life in a stone house instead of one made out of mud and dirt. My family and I were always depressed and tired. I started working for almost no money starting when I was only five years old for a mnd that wanted me to clean his yard. My dad barely worked, and one day we haerd of Ellis Island in America. -
Ellis Island
Ellis Island was a very populated place. There were thousands of immagrants waiting to get in and face what they call "The New World". getting off of the boat was terrible. There were people everywhere wanting to get in. We had to take physical exams ang give information to them and they had to check our bags. The worst part of it was getting your eyes checked for trachoma wich is a contageous eye diesesse. They also checked for other dieseases and problems. It is not as bad as you think. -
Entering the "New World"
Many Immigrants came to America like myself. My parents and I wanted to come to Italy but they were old. My father died of a stroke .My mother died of old age. I was forced to face the New World alone. I started looking for a job but i could not find any that day. I was forced to Spend the night on the streets of New York searching for an oppertunity. -
First Job
A few days later i stumbled into this one man. He gave me a weird glance then offered me a job, food, and a clean apartment. I did not know if i should trust the man or not but what else could i do. I accepted and i start tomorrow at early morning. I knew there was a catch to all of this. He told me i had to vote for him. I agreed. -
After years of working hard i met an Italian girl that moved here to. We talked and had many of the same interests. Skip ahead we decided to get married and we came to the agreement that we would stay in America for the rest of our lives. We even decided to have kids and live as a family in the New World