Period: to
The life of Matt Lopez
biosocial -
First word
My first word was duck (cognitive) -
Meet best friend
My mom ran a daycare where I would meet my best friend for the first time. She says we were inseperable (psychosocial) -
First big injury
One day I saw playing outside and started to run down my drive way. I tripped and broke a few of my front teeth -
First day of school
Started kindergarten at hoben elementary school. Cognitive -
Make friends
I became more social in class and made many friends who i still talk with today. Psychosocial -
First career choice
After spending some time with my uncle, I decide I want to be a dentist like him and this lead to me wanting to working in the medical field. -
Join Little League
Start playing baseball on a team. Biosocial -
First Sleepover
have my first sleep over at my friends house. Psychosocial -
First day of Middle School
First day of 6th grade at discovery middle school. Cognitive -
First Date
First date, ended with a slow dance. Biosocial -
First time smoking
Try cigarettes for the first time. Psychosocial -
Join indoor football league
emerging adult biosocial Join an indoor football league and meet many new people and start to really enjoy playing football. -
First day of college
emerging adult cognitive First day of college at Schoolcraft -
Kiss the first true love of my life
emerging adult phychosocial The first time I kiss a girl who I would eventually fall in love with. -
emerging adult psycho Finally tied the knot and got married -
return to school
emerging adult cog Return to school to major in history, a subject I always enjoyed but never took because it never crossed my career path. -
Grey hair invasion
emerging adult biosocial Grey hairs come finally take over the head, creating a silver mane. -
Finally quits smoking
Adulthood Biosocial: After years and years of on and off again smoking, I finally decide that enough is enough and I quit smoking. Took long enough. -
Finish school again
Adult cog: Finish school for the second time and get major in history. -
adult psych: First grandchild, time to spoil them. -
Wrinkles, wrinkles everywhere
late adult bio: Really starting to show my age, now Im covered in white hairs and wrinkled skin. -
Back in my day
Late adult Cog: Starting to show signs of memory loss and chosing to remember things the way I think they happened. -
late adult psych: I start to get really into politics and really get behind this years election. -
I finally kick the bucket and accept it is my time, after a wonderful 97 years of living. Oddly enough I die the day the Detroit Lions finally win a superbowl.