life and growing process of Tara Guerrieri

  • developing like my family

    Biosocial events are kicking in such as physical changes in digestion and physically gaining muscle streangth to crawl walk and hold eating utencils
  • the start of my life

    born on medical emergency circumstance at crittenton hospital Rochester MI Biosocial event
  • learning expressions

    Learning to express psychosocial feelings of being able express excitement and happiness, can do more then just sleep and cry !
  • learning to link and associate

    Finally grasping concepts of what my legs and arms are able to do . noticing cognitive development is much stronger and am able to absorb common things like feeding , holding
  • Mom leaves the nest

    My mother has to go back into work full time making me stay with my grandmother changing my life dramatically at 1 years old
    psychosocial event
  • sharing is caring

    For the first time in my life I am sharing attention . My cousins come to my grandmothers house too and my life as being the only kid was gone , this is where i begin to understand I am not the only one
    psychosocial event
  • The anger set's in!!!!

    I was having a hard time at church sharing the daycare with strangers I had never know at st.Karens in shelby twp michigan . This is the first time my mom left me with any one who was not family . I was so unbearable throwing books and actually assulting achurch worker and was no longer allowed in church daycare . This was a biosocial event as wll as considered psychsocial for myself
    cognitive as well as psychosocial event
  • I find my zen in life

    I find my zen in life
    My mom notices that I am calmed by my animals and that the dog is now my best friend this starts a life long love . This as well allows me to become a more active person and find my physical streangths . The picture is my current dog Tonka
    biosocial event
    psychosocial event
  • What kept me away from trouble

    My mom puts me on her horse champ and that was what is my release no matter the situatio0n I know have my escape .
    Cognitive event
  • first friend

    I remeber this like it was tomorrow , danielle anderson we became buddies and I found someone to teach me friendship . we remained friends until I moved in 8th grade
  • Parents seperate

    My mom and dad decide to go there seperate way and dissolve the marriage . I was understanding and stayed with my mom .
    psychsocial event
  • My first day of school

    This was my worst day ever at tis point . I had never been in a situation where I was forced to interact with kids my age and I was not a fan .....
    Biosocial event
    cognitive and psychosocial Event
  • Reading is my gift !

    I am considered way above normal for my age my teacher enrolls me in a higher reading and english class and discovers that I have a gifted ability to relate with the writer
    cognitive event
  • Firts time death was at my door

    I had never been to a funeral or had death come to any family memember I was close to any way . My hubabubba(great Grandpa)who was part of my everyday life , because he lived at my grandmothers home passes away at 101
    Psychosocial event
  • I felt like I was labeled DUMB!!!

    school had let out and I was still attending they had made me stay do to my math skillls and discovered that summer as well I had A.D.D
  • dark times

    I was a very unsociable and ackword looking child I remembered this is when the bullying got really bad , and every day I would come home and just cry and have anxiety about going to school the next day . two months after school started I was so afraid to go to school I took mmy grandmother spray startch and put it in my mouth and sprayed at ten years old i thought this would kill me and when my grandmother figured out what I did she called poision control and gave me some milk and I was fine
  • I go to florida

    This was my first time seeing places and expanding into another state way oppisite from michigan . I went to disney world , universal , seaworld and it was my dream day
    cognitive event
  • I am woman hear me roar

    this is where my mom said her darling turned into cybil . I went through puberty very young and was developing before most of the girls in my school . I was pure hormones and got angry about everything !
  • Dad remarries

    My father decides it is time to move on and marries a woman named nancy who has three daughters . I felt at this time I was the step child and not his daughter that I was being replaced
    psychosocial event
  • Never hide

    I am so sick from not eating that I feel like I am going to have a breakdown , I finally talk to my school counselor who meets with my mother to discuss that I have a problem , they take me to a doctor who sends me away to havenwyck to overcome my anorexia where I can be helped and observed
    Biosocial and psychsocial event
  • lessons learned cognitive psychosocial event

    At 13 I became a little bit jaded tword friends , this is when I became friends with a few new girls in my junior high who were not nerds and I learned quick that they were not nice people . They had set up for me to be the butt of a joke and had betrayed my trust 100% . They hurt me so bad that I actually was making myself binge and purge because I thought that I was only going to be popular the skinnier I ws
  • the big move

    My mom decides to build her dream home in metamore where we can build our show farm and I can get away from the pressure of living in upscale rochester . I moved away from family and my three best friends Kathy , steph and Heidi
    psychsocial event
  • BEST friend for life

    My mom had moved right next door to a family who had two kids and there daughter nicole happened to be only 5 days older than me . This soon became my pea to my pod and I had a friend that showed me to trust again to this day we are best friends and I can trust her with all things !
  • tides of change

    I some how go from being the most bullied kid in school to actually being very well liked and am finding myself ok with being social . I still was only hanging out with nicole 99% of the time , because we as well shared a love for riding our horses and loving animals ., but going to school wasnt so bad
  • My mom takes in a teen

    I had a friend from school who was going through some rough family times and my mother decided that Ashley would be staying with us , and my mom became her legal guardian . this was the first time I ever shared my personal space .I had my own bathroom my own libary room two walk in closets and them bam! she came in and it was no longer just my personal space .
  • No more high school

    I was as free as a bird ! I was a grad and I couldnt be happier
  • summer of freedom and learning

    I had expanded out into the world no real rules and also recieved my first heart break from my first love . I learned this summer more than I ever knew . common sense self love and the power to recover this is a biosocial event and cognitive event . I learned how to be alone and gained a education on life skills
  • Tara moves out

    this is the month i learned responsibility as well as taking care of myself and becoming independant . I Had rented a town house in auburn hills and lives there for two years
    psychosocial as well as biosocial event because I am developing into an adult
  • Being fierd can damage the ego

    I had been fired from my first job .They fired me for being late too many times during my opening shift and boy did I become humble after that home depot did a number on me . I still had my job at starbucks but i needed a second job and i found my dream job at a vet clinic working the front desks !
    cognitive and psychosocial event
  • Period: to

    A child is going to change my life

    My son christian james is born and this time is probubly the time where I learned more about love and life than any othjer time . this event changed everything and is the happiest moment of my life
  • Things can change you quicker than you think

    this is where the nightmare of my life took place the day I found out something was going on with my child . and the start of a journey
    psychosocial event
  • Lowest of the lows !!! where I got a touch of reality

    I begin to bartend and this job shows me life in a whole new spectrum I am bartending at a bar in downtown detroit and I remained there for 5 years . I had developed so much knowledge from this job as far as people skills as well as developing coomon sense . this was a low point though trust me . Biosocial and psychocial event . This was where i had to fight with all my inner demons and learned why life is as well better managed sober . Still to this day I do not use recreational drugs or drink
  • Risk and love

    Risk and love
    I make the lep of a life time and move in with the love of my life brett (christians dad ) . Still togeather and in love he has helped me grow into abetter woman and became such an inspiration to me . Through this relationship I have grown to learn so many things and this as well has taught me to let go of skeletons in my emotional closet
    Psychosocial and cognitive event
  • sadest day i can remember

    My grandfaather who I had grown up with and lived with my entire life (my grandp[arents had moved into my mothers house)
    passes away and I had never been through anything like this . I was in grief for quite a while and this is the first time i had ever gone into shock
    psychosocial event
  • my sons first day of school

    my sons first day of school
    This was a scary day , my boy is going into a unknown world to him and is going through a big life change and i cried the whole drive back home after dropping him off at school
    cognitive for my son and psychsocial for myself
  • SCHOOL here I come

    SCHOOL here I come
    I decide I will better my life and enroll in school (scary thought )
    I become a student at school craft and plan on becoming a nurse
    cognitive event
  • change of degree

    I find my love as an adult totally oppisite of that when I was a child a decide that no longer am i just in love withb readi ng but have a huge passion for math and science and after much thought change my life long dream career to engineering !!!
    cognitive event
  • NOmore BAR~~~~~

    I am no longer the happy person I generally was I am tierd unhealthy and always stressed . With alot of thought put into it and cocern for my well being I quit the buissness that had made me pretty comfortable and let me make a good living . I become a full time student and stay at home mom
    psychosocial event
  • working with a child who is autistic

    working with a child who is autistic
    afer many doctors appointment and therapy sesion we discover the root of all my sons issues and begin a treatment plan . 6 months into it I notice a turn around out of this world
    cognitive event
  • life has almost begun

    life has almost begun
    I am 12 credits away from my degree and feel a complete sense of accomplishment and pride this year has been full of positive prospect and out look I am at 28 years old the happiet I have ever been and accomplishing things that I never thought I could !!! Cognitive and psychosocial event . My emotional state is at the best it has ever been
  • First trip to the Bahamas

    First trip to the Bahamas
    This was one of the most amazin weeks of my life I had seen so many things I had never occured here in the states . The vacation was my first trip in the ocean and as well my sons . We wnt on the disney cruise and this taught me so much of other cultures . I would say that this week was very magical for me . Biosocial event
  • Projection of my new career

    I feel at this time I will be starting my new career and I long for this moment to have my own source of income and an enjoying the job I have worked in school for all these years . This will be a cognitive event
  • End of a life

    I feel maybe this a long life and plan on enjoying my life up until this point . I am sure I will die of natural cause and can say with the way I have lived it good things will be at the end of it
    BIOSOCIAL event