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  • Birth

    This event had a mediocre impact on my life. I don't really remember it much, but I've heard lots of stories.
  • 3rd birthday

    3rd birthday
    I got a new pair of roller skates with pads and all. The skates were an adjustable size, so I used them up until I was 7 or 8. I definitely have scars from this today.
  • Spelling Bee Runner-up

    Spelling Bee Runner-up
    I came in second place alongside one of my family friends. This was the first time I had "won" something academically, besides Mathletics of course.
  • Middle School Graduation

    Middle School Graduation
    I was about to transfer to a high school that none of my friends were going to, so my emotions were high this day. I was no longer going to be in classes with my two best friends seen in this picture. Today, I'm not as close with either of them.
  • Freshman Year Volleyball Banquet

    Freshman Year Volleyball Banquet
    This was the team I made all of my initial friends on. Being a new student, it was hard for me to approach people, so the welcoming spirit was very uplifting.
  • Senior Homecoming

    Senior Homecoming
    By far the best dance. After three years of dances, this one finally went smooth with planning and reservations, and I got to wear bright pink heels, which is always a plus.
  • College

    I still don't know where I'll end up at college, but ASU data science is the most clear plan so far. I hope to graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Science.
  • Wedding

    I hope to get married by 26, but we'll see how my future love life goes.
  • Kids

    I want to have twins, but I can't really control that. Ideally, I'd have two boys and one girl. I want my first child by 29.
  • Grandkids

    Hopefully I'll have my first grandkid at 60 or earlier. I can't wait to spoil them.
  • Retirement

    I hope to retire by 65 and travel for the rest of my life with my husband. I refuse to die before I go to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and visit the Maracanã stadium.
  • Questions

    1. My timeline tells me that I want to accomplish basically what everyone else does. I have a very basic outlook on life, but I hope to spice it up.
    2. If I hadn't been on the volleyball team my freshman year, my friend group would probably be wildly different. They really shaped my thinking and made me a more open-minded person.
    3. My future seems pretty fixed because I want a family and a stable job and travel after I retire, but that doesn't mean it isn't subject to change.