My 20s
i will exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight while taking in essesntial nutrients. I will not use tobacco or any smoking products while avoiding any illegal substances such as drugs. Always wearing my seatbelt and getting enough sleep will also be very important to staying healthy for the future. I will also visit the doctor for regualr checkups. -
Period: to
My 30s
I will continue to not smoke or use drugs and always use sunscreen to help with the effects of sun exposure. At this stage I will have a steady job and keeping a low level of stress and high levels of happiness by doing what I love will help me to stay healthy and exercise for 30 minutes a day. I will also never drink and drive and keep my alcohol consumption to a minimal. -
My 40s
As I get older I will encounter more medical issues that I will have to adapt to and try to prevent by changing my diet to prevent possible abnormalities like bmi and bone mass. This is the time where I may start to see possible issues like skin cancer and changes in vision or hearing. I will continue to exercise and listen to my doctor about dealing with the issues I have now and the ones I can prevent down the road. -
My 50s
As I get older I will need to stay physically and mentally active by challenging myself to think more and stay focused on the task or goal at hand. I will continue to exercise to the extent that my body will let me. My exercise ruitine will be very different from the one I had when I was in my 20s or 30s due to the fact that I am older and my body is starting to wear down. I will combat that will health supplements and a healthy diet that I will attempt to maintain. -
My 60s
Going into my sixties I will be planning on retiring but will be more succeptible to certain health problems like heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, and many others. In order to stay healthy and avoid these I will take routine visits to the doctor to check up on my body and try to keep my mind and body sharp and focused. As Alzheimers runs in my family I will need to be very aware of the disease and make attempts to combat the disease while talking to my doctor.