
  • One year from today

    I want to be in an internship at an elementary school working with children. I want to be succeeding in school and learning more about teaching.
  • Two year from today

    I want to have graduated with an elementary education major and on to my career. I would be starting my masters which I would love to do while teaching, and maybe even my gifted education. I would love to be a kindergarten teacher but I am willing to be where ever. Hopefully still in Orlando teaching and learning on my own.
  • 5 year from today

    I would like to have a solid place at a school teaching. I would love to have a great community of teachers around me while having a lot more basic lesson plans and routines in place.
  • 10 year from today

    I would hopefully be teaching for 8 years, maybe with another degree. I would have hopefully stayed at a school but if I have moved thats okay. Hopefully I would be married with kids and living my dream, while traveling in the off teaching seasons.
  • At the end of my career

    I hope to have a career for a long time. I love teaching and I hope I can teach for awhile. After teaching, I would love to be with my grandkids and maybe even great-grand kids, travel with my husband, and to continue teaching either by volunteering or by being a substitute teacher.