Damonte's life

  • Asthma

    I'm pretty sure I was born premature so I had some problems. I stayed in the hospital for a couple of months or so. And from the age of birth to 5 I had asthma. Asthma is not curable so I still have it it's just under control. I also had to stay on liquid caffeine drops to develop my lungs further.
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    Birth to today

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    My dad hasn't been in my life at all. He has been in and out of prison all my life. He actually is in there right now and should be getting out in october. He wants me to come live with him but I won't but I will go ack to Milwaukee to visit.
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    I've worn glasses all of my life. And I've broken so many pairs of glasses I couldn't even count them on my fingers if I wanted to.
  • First day of school

    I started my first day of k5 and I was 5 turning 6. I was probably the oldest in my class because my birthday is late so I went late. I don't remember much but I do remember I went to hoover elementary school and my teacher was Ms.M.
  • First console

    This year on Christmas me and my brother both got our first video game consoles. This impacted my life because I love video games and this was my first one.
  • Head injury

    I don't know exactly when but I was running backwards and busted a hole in my head. At the time my family only had one car so I had to sit and wait till my mom got home to go to the hospital. Then I went to the hospital to get surgical staples.
  • First fight

    I don't know the exact date but it was like 2012 when this happened. I lived in apartments at this time and me and my brother were outside play fighting. Some kids wanted to join it got too serious so we all fought. It was like 4 against 2 and we just kept fighting until someone called the cops. The cops showed up and I ran at first but I went to talk to him and then everything went back to normal.
  • Arm injury

    When I was in 5th grade I went to an after school program called safe. This is pretty much daycare after school. So I was jumping through a swing and landing on it and fell on my arm and it broke.
  • 6th grade

    This one time in 6th grade I brought 2 lighters to school. I wasn't as smart as I am now but I went into the boy's locker room and lit some toilet paper on fire. I was with 2 other kids and obviously we got caught. I lied and said i got pure pressured into doing it. I almost got an arson ticket and expelled but the principle was amazing and didn't give it to me. I learned to stop being stupid and think before I do stuff.
  • Bike riding

    My whole life I've always had a fear of falling. That's why I didn't learn how to ride a bike until my 12th birthday. But when I did learn I couldn't stop and now bike riding is one of my favorite things to do.
  • Losing a brother

    This day I lost one of my good friends to a stray bullet. The bullet obviously wasn't meant for him it was for the girl he was with she took four shots and lived he took one and died. I actually talked to him two months before this on his birthday and gave him my last dollar in quarters so he could buy a swisher and smoke on his birthday.
  • Moved states

    I moved down to arkadoodoo from Milwaukee Wisconsin. We drove the whole way and it took about 20 hours. I stayed up for most of it I slept like an hour and 30 min in total.
  • Present day

    I'm alive which is very good I've changed a decent amount I've stopped talking a lot and i have a job at taco bell.