Library History

  • 1454

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Revolutionary invention of the printing press makes books available to the masses for the first time.
  • Franklin's Library

    Franklin's Library
    Franklin donated a collection of books to a Massachusetts town that named itself after him. He was asked to donate a bell, but he said that "sense" was more important than "sound". This created the first public library.
  • US has largest literate public

    US has largest literate public
    US has largest literate public in the world due to the availability of reading material
  • Boston Library

    Boston Library
    The first major public library, the Boston Public Library, was established in 1854
  • Tax Supported Library

    Tax Supported Library
    The first totally tax supported library was established in Peterborough, New Hampshire.
  • Carnegie's donations

    Carnegie's donations
    From 1886 to 1919, more than 2,000 library buildins in more than 1,400 communities, were donated by Andrew Carnegie.
  • First Library School

    First Library School
    The first library school, in Columbia University's School of Library Science, was founded by Melvil Dewey.
  • Tessa Keslo transforms the LA Public Library

    Tessa Keslo transforms the LA Public Library
    T. Keslo transforms the Los Angelas Public Library by aboloshing membership fees, agitating for open stacks, and establishing the first systematic training for library employees from 1889 to 1895
  • The Grapes of Wrath was banned

    The Grapes of Wrath was banned
    The Grapes of Wrath was banned for 2 years, from 1939-1941
  • ALA begins to take stance against censorship

    ALA begins to take stance against censorship
    ALA begins to take stance against censorship in 1950. "Freedom to Read" is adopted in 1953.