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Liberation of Concentration Camps 1945

  • Adolf Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany Nation with a jewish population. The nazis organized a massive torchlight parade in Berlin to celebrate. Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring greet the participants in the parade as they pass beneath the window of Hitler's new office. This was the beginning of a new era.
  • Nazis Open Concentration Camp

    Nazis Open Concentration Camp
    The first concentration camp was near Munich, to be followed by Buchenwald near Weimar in central Germany, Sachsenhausen near Berlin in northern Germany, and Ravensbrück for women.
  • German Parliment Passes Enabling Act

    German Parliment Passes Enabling Act This Act gave Hitler dictatorial powers. He then started to try and rule Germany. After the elections of March 5, 1933, the Nazis began a systematic takeover of the state governments throughout Germany, ending a centuries-old tradition of local political independence. Armed SA and SS thugs barged into local government offices using the state of emergency decree as a pretext to throw out legitimate office holders and replace them with Nazi Reich commissioners.
  • Nazi Party is declared the only legal party in Germany

    Nazi Party is declared the only legal party in Germany In another pivotal step in the transformation of German society from a democracy to a dictatorship, the Nazi leadership passed the Law against the Founding of New Parties. With this law, all other political entities were disbanded or dissolved. As a consequence, some activists fled abroad while others prepared to work within an illegal party framework. Some parties went underground and some simp
  • Jews are banned from the labor front

    Jews are banned from the labor front Because membership in the German Labor Front is mandatory for wage laborers and salaried employees, this decree effectively deprives Jews of the opportunity to find positions in the private sector and denies to those already employed the benefits available to non-Jews.
  • Hitler receives a 90% "Yes" vote from German Voters

    Hitler receives a 90% "Yes" vote from German Voters Hitler abolishes the office of President and declares himself Führerof the German Reich and People, in addition to his position as Chancellor. In this capacity as Führer, Hitler's decisions are not bound by the laws of the state. Hitler now becomes the absolute dictator of Germany. SS chief Himmler creates the Inspectorate of Concentration Camps under the leadership of SS General Theodor Eicke. This move formalizes the SS takeover and centralization of the concentration camp system that had ta
  • The German Gestapo is placed above the law

    The German Gestapo is placed above the law The German Gestapo is placed above the law. The SS Deaths-head division of the military is established to guard concentration camps. The Olympic Games begin in Berlin and as an attempt to gain favourable public opinion from foreign visitors the Nazi regime temporarily refrains from actions against the Jews. The Nazis set up an office for combating homosexuality and abortions (by healthy women).
  • Olympic games begin in Berlin

    Olympic games begin in Berlin Hitler and top Nazis seek to gain legitimacy through favorable public opinion from foreign visitors and thus temporarily refrain from actions against Jews. Nazis set up an Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortions (by healthy women).
    Nazi Germany used the 1936 Olympic Games for propaganda purposes. The Nazis promoted an image of a new, strong, and united Germany while masking the regime’s antisemitic and racist policies as well as Germany’s growing militarism.
  • Nazi troops enter Austria

    Nazi troops enter Austria Austria has a population of 200,000 Jews, mainly living in Vienna. Hitler announces Anschluss (union) with Austria. In March - After the Anschluss, the SS is placed in charge of Jewish affairs in Austria with Adolf Eichmann establishing an Office for Jewish Emigration in Vienna. Himmler then establishes Mauthausen concentration camp near Linz.
  • Nazis order Jews over age 15 to apply for identity cards

    Nazis order Jews over age 15 to apply for identity cards The cards came from the police and were to be shown on demand to any police officer. The Nuremberg Laws, as they became known, did not define a "Jew" as someone with particular religious beliefs. Instead, anyone who had three or four Jewish grandparents was defined as a Jew, regardless of whether that individual identified himself or herself as a Jew or belonged to the Jewish religious community.
  • SS Put Down a Revolt at Sachsenhausen

    SS Put Down a Revolt at Sachsenhausen Less than 48 hours after the arrival of the last transport from Theresienstadt to Treblinka, the SS dispatched the first transport to Auschwitz, carrying 1,866 persons. Upon arrival, SS officials selected 247 people, mostly men, to be registered as prisoners, and killed the remaining 1,619 people in the gas chambers.
  • Jews Arrive Hungary at Auschwitz

    Jews Arrive Hungary at Auschwitz Eichmann arrives to personally oversee and speed up the extermination process. By May 24, an estimated 100,000 have been gassed. Between May 16 and May 31, the SS report collecting 88 pounds of gold and white metal from the teeth of those gassed. By the end of June, 381,661 persons - half of the Jews in Hungary - arrive at Auschwitz.
  • Jews from Hungary arrive at Auschwitz

    Jews from Hungary arrive at Auschwitz May 31, the SS report collecting 88 pounds of gold and white metal from the teeth of those gassed. By the end of June, 381,661 persons - half of the Jews in Hungary - arrive at Auschwitz. When Hungary joined the war against the Allies, nearly 20,000 Jews from Kamenetz-Podolsk who held Polish or Soviet citizenship were turned over to the Germans and murdered. However, the extermination phase in Hungary only began later, after the Nazi invasion in March 1944. In all, some 565,000 Hungarian Jews
  • The 1st Transport of Jews from Athens to Auschwitz

    The 1st Transport of Jews from Athens to Auschwitz Salonika, on the eve of the German occupation had probably 260,000 inhabitants only 46,000 of them Jews. But Salonika was not a place where the Germans could count on the native population doing their work for them. This is shown by the fact that they hesitated to apply the Final Solution till a year after the first murderous Jewish deportation trains had left France and Slovakia. Apart from the usual arrests of Jewish notables and the conversion of the Jewish Community Council into something
  • Death March

    Death March The SS begins evacuating Auschwitz and its satellite camps. Nearly 60,000 prisoners are forced on death marches from the Auschwitz camp system. Thousands are killed in the days before the death march. Tens of thousands of prisoners, mostly Jews, are forced to march to the city of Wodzislaw in the western part of Upper Silesia. SS guards shoot anyone who falls behind or cannot continue.
  • Point of View Continued

    Point of View Continued
    my brother jumped first, my sister second. Then I jumped, and I landed in a ditch of snow. They shot after us. They shot . . . they keep on shooting, but the bullet didn't hit me. When I didn't hear anymore the train, I got up. And the first thing I did, I took off my star, and I promised myself never again will I ever wear a star. I went first to look after my sister and brother and found them dead. And I found many corpses . . . many corpses. From that train one of my friends survived, too.
  • From a Survivors Point of View

    From a Survivors Point of View People started to pull out those barbed wires and jumped through those little windows. Even the SS people sat on the rooftop of the train and shot, but everybody took a chance. Whoever could, whoever it was possible to take a chance. Well, my father told us, when the young people started to jump, he said, "You the oldest three"--I was seventeen, and my sister sixteen,..
  • Point of View Continued

    Point of View Continued
    She lives in New York. We were two people who survived that train, but many people jumped. Well, after that I survived under an assumed name, and I was caught to work in Germany as a Polish girl.