
  • Fernando VII returnes to Spain

    Fernando VII returnes to Spain
    Napoleon is defeated and all monarchs in Europe get their thrones back
  • Fernando VII abolishes the constitution

    Fernando VII abolishes the constitution
    he is sent the Manifiesto de los Persas by the absolutist deputies, asking to restore the absolute monarchy.
  • the institutions of 1808 were restored

    the institutions of 1808 were restored
    a period of persecutions, imprisonment and murders happened
  • Period: to

    sexenio absolutista

  • the decree of Valencia

    the decree of Valencia
    it abolishes the constitution of 1812
  • Courts were dissolved

    Courts were dissolved
    Spain went back to absolutism
  • pronunciamiento of Riego

    pronunciamiento of Riego
    Colonel Rafael del Riego led a successful liberal pronunciamiento that brought back the Constitution of 1812
  • trilenio liberal

    trilenio liberal
    1820-1823. It was iniciated by the Parliament of Cádiz being restored. There was a conflict between the moderates and the radicals.
  • Period: to

    Pronunciamiento of Madrid

  • severe internal crisis

    severe internal crisis
    it coincided with the second time Fernando returned to power as an absolute monarch.
  • The Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis

    The Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis
    Large army sent by the holy alliance to Spain, and Fernando VII was restored as an absolute monarch