Large scale brazil map
Small scale Brazil map (Salvador)
Large map of South Africa
Small map of South Africa (cape town)
map of Malaysia
Small map of Malaysia (Kuala lumpur)
Map of China
small Map of China (chengdu)
Map of UK
Small map of UK (London)
Amazing race: Dancing in the street challenge rules
The challenge is to go to the five countries assigned to the contestants (in this case Brazil, south Africa, Malaysia, China and The UK). and dance a traditional dance for at least an hour. The contestants have a week -
We Leave Miami at noon sleepling on the flight for this days on the next required sleeping time. The flight totals roughly 19 hours (18h 55m) -
After our grueling flight we walk out the airport at 7:00 A.M. gazing at the city of Salvador. The 17-18th century building adorned with statues stand out against the back drop of skyscrapers looming in the distance. After soaking in the city me and my fellow contestant pull out a stereo with some traditional 4/4 music and begin doing a simple samba. After that for a grueling hour we rush back into the airport at 8:00 A.M. to catch our flight to cape town South Africa -
South Africa
After the second long flight we come out to Cape town South Africa at 4:30 A.M. Upon looking at the city we both comment on how mountains injecting and surrounding the city make for a wonder full composure of a place. After drinking in the visuals of the city for 3 hours we pull out the stereo and hits play. As the drums and clapping from the stereo begin to pour out. We begin the Zulu Reed Dance. After an hour of sweating and awkward glances. We head back to the airport for Malaysia at 8:00A.M -
We arrive at Malaysia at 5:00 A.M. even though we slept on the plane we decide to take a rest for 2 hours in the airport. After we finish resting we walk out to the hustle and bustle of Kuala Lumpur the unique shapes of the skysrapes married with the instense lights and desity of the city. We then take out the stero put in the Dangdut music to go with our joget. After we finally reach the required hout we swealty return to the airport to take a refreshingly short flight to China starting at 8:00 -
At 3:00P.M we arrive at Chengdu China. While it is another big city It has a surprising amount of shrubbery compliment the skyscrapers. Wasting no time we start playing the stereo and let the traditional Chinese drums clear our thoughts. As we begin to do a (admittedly simplified) Baishou Dance. After an hour of failing in an attempt to recreate a complex dance we go to the airport at 4:00 P.M for the last leg of the challenge: London -
10:30 A.M we arrive at London getting the sleep we need on the plane. We then walk out to the streets of London the architecture of the older buildings blend together with the newer buildings. we then walk out to the street with the final act of our challenge, a traditional Morris dance. After an hour we go to the airport at 11:30 A.M to finally return home -
We return to Miami at around midnight exhausted but fufilled