Lexie's timeline

  • I was Born

    This day was the day that my parents had their first girl. this day shaped me to the person I am because I am the oldest girl in the family which means before my sister came along I got what I wanted and didn't have to share because my older siblings were boys, but when my sister came along I stared having to share and now I really believe that having to share made me realize that it's not bad to share with others
  • I got cancer

    When I was one almost two years old I was diagnosed with Leukemia. The doctors gave me a couple years to live. This lasted for almost a year and my dad asked God that if he would heal me my dad would do what God had called him to do and every since that night I have been cancer free!
  • Tornado

    Before I moved to Magazine I lived in Ozark. When I was like 3 or 4 a tornado hit our town and tore our house down and totaled our car. This left me and my 2 year old sister and my parents with no home of our own until we could get our house fixed. Thankfully my grandparents were not to far so we could stay with them for a little while until we could get our home back.
  • Getting Baptized

    My family is very strong believers in God. I have grown so much in my faith and never regret this decision.
  • Moving to Arkadelphia

    Moving to Arkadelphia really changed me even though I was kind of young when we moved. I knew that I would start over at a brand new school with a bunch of kids I didn't know. I was put into a shutdown mode where I didn't like to talk to no one not even my grandma which I talked to everyday. Eventually I learned that change can be good. Now I have a group of friends who have supported me ever since I moved here and I am having a great life in Arkadelphia.
  • loosing my grandma

    When I lost my grandma it was really hard because we had gotten pretty close after we moved to Arkadelphia. I was mad at myself for being mad at her that night because she was being very rude to me and yelling at me and that has made me try my hardest to forgive people and not to stay mad at them because you never know what tomorrow will bring.
  • Not making the cheer team the first time I tried out

    When I didn't make the cheer team the very first time I tried out I was very upset because all my friends had made it but me. The first few weeks of school I would see them in their cheer shirts and hear them talking about things that I couldn't be apart of for the reason of not being on the team. This really took affect on me mentally because it made me question myself and even more importantly question God. After I talked about it with my Grandpa he told me good things come to those who wait.
  • when my dad got shocked

    when my dad got shocked 31 times right in front of me at church it really scared me because I thought I was going to lose my dad that night. It really made me realize to never take things for granite and to know that we could be here one day and gone the next life is short.
  • corona

    Corona has caused all of us to kinda loose our minds because this virus has cause us to have to put our lives on pause we couldn't have certain sports this summer because of Corona and we are still being required to wear a mask everywhere which is not very fun.
  • serving the community

    This Saturday my church went out to the Malvern Park and we gave food out. This gave me a change of heart to see the three little girls get excited for cereal it made me realize to be thankful that I can afford things and that I am blessed.