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Lewis and Clark Expedition Timeline

  • Exploration begins

    Exploration begins
    Set out at 4 o' clock p.m in the presents of the people that lived there Lewis and Clark begin their expedition. Headed and proceeded west up the Missourri River.
  • A tree profoundly affects expedition

    A tree profoundly affects expedition
    Our mast got fast on the limb of a sycamore tree and it broke very easy.
  • Experience with a Sioux Tribe

    Experience with a Sioux Tribe
    When Lewis and Clark ran into the South Dakota, the Teton branch of the Sioux Nation were masters of the plains on both sides of the Missouri River.
  • Experience at Fort Mandan

    Experience at Fort Mandan
    Lewis and Clark arrived at the Mandan villages. They traded their agricultural products with other tribes in the region. Lewis and Clark decided to stay for the winter with the friendly Mandan and Hidatsa Indians, where food would be.
  • Aided by Native tribe.

    They met the Mandans and they smoked a peace pipe
  • Experience with the Shoshone Tribe

    Experience with the Shoshone Tribe
    Fort Mandan (in North Dakota) - Charbonneau was now the interpreter for the exploration, along with his wife from the Shoshoni, Sacagawea,
  • Sacagawea's baby is born.

    Sacagawea's baby is born.
    Sacagawea delivered a fine baby boy. This was her first child.
  • Animal affected expedition.

    Animal affected expedition.
    During the evening, the men discovered a large brown grizzly bear. Six hunters went out to attack him. Each put a bullett him, two through each lungs. The men ran towards the river and the grizzly followed.Even though they made it. They ran into grizzlies again .
  • Sacagawea and Lewis become ill.

    Sacagawea and Lewis become ill.
    Sacagawea and Lewis become dangerously ill. Clark nursed her back to health with twigs from a choke cherry tree.
  • Peaceful trade.

    Having Sacagawea in the group told all Native Americans that the group came in peace. Cameahwait sold the group horses which they needed to cross the Rocky Mountains.
  • Idaho

    They reached Idaho after crossing the bitterroot range.
  • Killed one from Native Tribe.

    Killed one from Native Tribe.
    Blackfeet trying to steal their horses and guns. In the fight that follows two Blackfeet are killed. The only act of bloodshed during the entire expedition. Lewis leaves a peace medal around the neck of one of the corpses.
  • Fort Clatsop (where winter was spent)

    Fort Clatsop (where winter was spent)
    The group chose this place to build a camp for the winter. (Native Americans lived near buy)