President Jefferson send message
Thomas Jefferson, who was president in 1803, was curious about Western part of America. Therefore he secretly sended a message to Congress for both funding and exploring. -
Lewis Started training
The specific date isn't sure. However Lewis did start his training for expedition in spring time. -
Louisiana Purchase is now on news!
Finally the Louisiana Purchase has been succeed. Lewis will now begin his journey for trip. They will be departing from Mississippi but instead in Pittsburgh. He will also choose teammates to go with him, perpare for the great trip, and soon will establish camp for the trip. -
Began journey!
Finally the corps of discovery have departed from camp wood. It was a true beginning of journey because now they will go for Mississippi which means they will continue their journey to western part of the continent. -
Enters great plain
Early september, they were able to reach great plain. This is the moment that they were able to really have chance for collecting samples and datas since it had new plants and animals. -
join of Toussaint Charbonneau and Sacagawea
On November 4th, Toussaint Charbonneau, who was a canadian fur trader, and Scagawea, his wife, joined the corps of discovery. This is the moment where possibly American's future have been changed. -
Extreme Cold, new discovery of weather
After all the samples and datas that have collected yet they have made another kind of discoveries too. They have experienced extreme cold which is discovery of spectrum of weather we can experience in America. -
Boat filips over
On May 16th, there was an accident of boat flipping over. Sacagawea saved all the recordings and documents from water. If it weren't for Sacagawea, all of their hard work would have fallen in to water, never able to get it back. -
Jefferson receives shipment
It's the first moment that Jefferson was able to hear about success of exploration goals. It wasn't exactly what they would have liked it to be, but still they was able to get a lot out of this exploration. -
Arrived at Pacific Ocean
Even though they still had journey of coming back to Eastern part of America, they have successfully ended the exploration of western part of Amercia. The only task left is to bring everything and everyone safely.