Sacagawea's son
Sacagawea's son, Jean Baptiste Charbonneau—nicknamed Pompy by Clark—is born with assistance from Lewis. -
permanent party
Lewis and Clark send a shipment of artifacts and specimens to President Jefferson; the "Permanent Party" heads west. -
abundance of game
The Corps marvels at the abundance of game; they kill their first grizzly bear near the Yellowstone River in Montana -
overturns and lewis credits
One of their boats nearly overturns and Lewis credits Sacagawea with saving their most important possessions -
white cliffs region
The Corps reaches the White Cliffs region of the Missouri River -
unknown fork in the missouri
The Corps reaches an unknown fork in the Missouri and must determine which branch to choose. -
great falls of the missouri
Lewis reaches the Great Falls of the Missouri—five massive cascades around which the men must carry all of their gear, including the canoes. -
three forks of the missouri
The expedition reaches the Three Forks of the Missouri which they name the Jefferson, Gallatin, and Madison in honor of the President, Secretary of the Treasury, and Secretary of State