
Lewis and Clark Anchor AR

  • Expedition Begins

    Expedition Begins
    Meriwether Lewis and William Clark leave St. Louis Missouri on an expadition funded by President Thomas Jefferson. With them are abbout four dozen men and a newfoundland dog.
  • Sergeant Charles Floyd Dies

    Sergeant Charles Floyd dies from a burst appendix. He is burried on a hilltop they name Floyd's Bluff near present day Sioux City, Iowa.
  • Mandan Tribe Welcomes the Group

    Mandan Tribe Welcomes the Group
    Lewis and Clark arive at the Mandan indians villages and decide to build a fort across the river and name it Fort Mandan. While there they hire a French Canadian fur traper and his wife Sacagawea, as there interpreter.
  • Sacagawea's Baby is Born

    Sacagawea's Baby is Born
    Sacagawea gives birth to a baby boy and names him Jean Baptiste. To help speed the delivery Lewis makes a poition from a crushed rattlesnakes rattle.
  • lewis and Clark reach the Great Falls

    lewis and Clark reach the Great Falls
    Lewis and Clark reach the Great Falls and have to haul there canoes and supplies up the rocks and hills in the scorching heat and through hail storms.
  • Lewis and Clark meet the Shoshone Indians

    Lewis and Clark meet the Shoshone Indians
    Lewis and Clark meet the Shoshone Tribe and Lewis tries to negotiate for horses that will make crossing the present day Bitteroot mountians easier. Ironically the tribes chief is Sacagawea's brother.
  • Lewis and Clark meet the Nez Perce Indians

    Lewis and Clark meet the Nez Perce Indians
    lewis and Clark hungry from the trek throught the Bitterroot Mountians are welcomed by the Nez Perce Indians who give them food and shelter.
  • Group Reaches Clearwater River

    Group Reaches Clearwater River
    Near present day Orofino, Idaho the group reaches Clearwater River and uses its five new canoes to travel downstream.
  • Winter in Fort Clatsop

    Winter in Fort Clatsop
    Also named for a nieghboring Indian Tribe Fort Clatsop is where the group celebrates christmas. Lewis and Clark later give the fort to the Clatsop Indians when they leave.
  • The Group reach the Settlments

    The Group reach the Settlments
    The Group see a cow on a shore just before they reach La Charette, Missouri and cheer because they are home.