Period: to
Lewis and Clark Expedition/Corps of Discovery Expedition
Louisiana Purchase Treaty Signed
The French and the Americans signed the Louisiana Purchase Treaty in Paris. The deal was announced to the American people on July 4th. The United States Senate ratified the treaty on October 20th, that same year. -
The Corps of Discovery Expedition Departs
The Corps of Discovery Expedition departs, and meets up with Lewis sometime after in St. Charles. A total of 33 people depart for the Pacific Ocean. -
Camp Dubois is Established
Camp Dubois(Camp Wood) is constructed at December 12th, near current day Wood River Illinois. Camp Dubois served as a winter camp for the Corps of Discovery, during the winters of 1803. -
Segeant Charles Floyd Dies
Segeant Charles Floyd dies from accute appendicitis, and is buried near the river. He is the only member of the expedition to have died during the journey. -
The Great Plains
In earliy Septeber of 1804, the expedition enters the Great Plains, and discover, and catalogues various animals, that were newly found on the American Continent. -
Lewis and Clark meets Sacagawea
Lewis and Clark meets with the Mandan Cheifs while camping in their territory during the winter. They meet with Sacagawea here, who helps the expedition greatly. -
Fort Mandan is Constructed
Fort Mandan is constructed in present day North Dakota, to have shelter during the winter. -
The Permanent Party
Lewis and Clark gathers artifacts and specimens that they have found and recieved during the expedition, and sends them to President Jefferson. The party is named the 'Permanent Party'. -
First Sighting of the Pacific Ocean
The expedition sights the Pacific Ocean for the first time. -
Fort Clatsop and the Pacific Ocean
The Corps of Discovery expedition reaches the Pacific Ocean, and all members of the expedition votes on the location to construct their fort. The location is decided, and the fort is named 'Fort Clatsop'.