11 b

Lewis and Clark

  • The Expidition began

    The Expidition began
  • Pierre+Francois eslisted in corps of discovery

    Pierre+Francois eslisted in corps of discovery
  • clark sent 20 men to the catholic saint church

    clark sent 20 men to the catholic saint church
  • Clark camped on shore

    Clark camped on shore
    after rounding jackass bend in ray county
  • 8 to 10 hunters set out

    8 to 10 hunters set out
    saw their first buffalo
  • the expidition celebrated the 28th of american independence

    the expidition celebrated the 28th of american independence
  • stayed at camp white fish

    stayed at camp white fish
    clark copied a map, while lewis readid letter for president jefferson.
  • william clarks 34th birthday

    william clarks 34th birthday
    indians not yet arrived
  • at sun set six oto cheifs and thier warriors arrived

    at sun set six oto cheifs and thier warriors arrived
  • honored black bird

    honored black bird
    they stated in the jornals that over 400 indians died of small pox
  • moses b reed deserted

    moses b reed deserted
    he was captured and returend to camp
  • man died on corps of discovery

    man died on corps of discovery
    the only member of the corps of discovery to die on the expidition
  • lewis and clark reconized they nedd to elect a new leader

    lewis and clark reconized they nedd to elect a new leader
    they needed to replace sgt. floyed
  • a wide variety of wild life was sighted on this day

    a wide variety of wild life was sighted on this day
  • walked to sprint mound

    walked to sprint mound
    lewis, clark, ordway, shellds, josephfeilds, cotter, bratton, labiche, E. cahn, warfington, fraiser and york
  • a council was held with the yankton sioux

    a council was held with the yankton sioux
    clark made a speech and disrupted presents and speech medals
  • the men investagated a prarie dog town

    the men investagated a prarie dog town
    looked for science
  • private george shannon was found

    private george shannon was found