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Levi Seymour Timeline

  • Rutilla

    Ruthy as we like to call her, my sister Ruth was born on this day.
  • Elizabeth

    My sister Beth was born on this day.. She has the hat and no bandana
  • My Wonderful Girlfriend

    Brianne was born on September the 14th
  • I Was Born

    Well, I was born on February 9th 1991 and I have been alive ever since.
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    Living in H-Town

    Life was a home-schooled breeze living in the suburbs of Hoston until...
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    Home Education

    I was home-schooled from birth until I decided to play sports at Burnet High School. I wasn't awesome at sports like I had anticipated, but the experience was still good.
  • Hannah

    Hannah was born on this day
  • Pauly

    My brother Paul was born August 29th
  • The Move to Burnet

    My Grandparents on my mother's side were killed in a car accident, the lease on our house in Houston was up, we inherited their house, and moved.

    I attended Burnet High School in Burnet Texas, my first day was a great experience
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    High School

  • Graduation!

    I graduated in the typical 4 years. It was high school, and it was a lot of fun.
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    College at UMHB

    I attended College at a private baptist University
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    Rec Staff, Season 1

    Best summer of my life up to that point. We led recreation and small groups for christian youth camps around the southern United States.
  • First Rec Staff Camp

    First Rec Staff Camp
    At Latham Springs in Texas
  • Oh, this is when I met my girlfriend

    Oh, this is when I met my girlfriend
    I met her when I was on staff as a recreational leader and she was on staff as a church camp leader... The rest is history. We look better nowadays. We don't wear so much purple.
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    Rec Staff, Season 2

    A longer rec staff season, and one with more camps and more responsibility.
  • I'm Leavin On a Jet Plane

    I'm Leavin On a Jet Plane
    Tuition at UMHB went up, Brianne had lived here in Alabama with me in Texas, and Brianne's Youth Pastor wanted me to lead worship here... So I jumped.