Aug 23, 1310
Dante writes the Divine Comedy
It is the story of the soul's journey to salvation. The lengthy poem is divided into three major sections: Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven, or Paradise. -
Aug 23, 1390
chaucer writes the canterbury tales
chaucer used the english vernacular in his beauty of expreession and clear forceful language were important in making his dialect the chief ancestor of the modern english language -
Aug 23, 1415
Donatello creates his statue of St. George
St. George is identified with the ideals of honor, bravery and gallantry not much is know about him. he became a roman soldiar at the age of 17 and was renowned for his bravery -
Aug 25, 1434
Jan van Eyck paints the Arnolfini portrait
was among the first to use oil paint, whitch enabled the artist to use a wide variety of colors and create fine detaild as in his painting Giovanni Arnolfini and his Bride. -
Aug 13, 1447
Last Visconti ruler of milan dies
Flippo was nominal ruler of pavia in 1402. Flippo Maria recieveaved a dowry of nearly half million florins. But when beatrice took to great an interest in affairs of state. He accused her of adultery an had her beheaded at the cassle of Binasco in 1418. -
Aug 19, 1494
Charles Vlll of France invades Naples
Charles intered Italy with 25,000 men but 8,000 of them were swiss merchants. They marched across a peninsula in 1494 they made it to naples by February 22, 1495. After the battle King Alfonso was exspelled and Charles Vlll was crowened king of naples. -
Aug 25, 1509
Erasmus writes his satire The Praise of Folly
written in 1509, Erasmus humorously criticized aspects of his society that he beleived were most in need of reform. -
Aug 19, 1513
Machiavelli writes The Prince
the prince concerns how to acquire-and- keep -political power.in the middle ages many writers on political power -
Aug 25, 1517
Martin Luther presents the Ninety-five Theses
began the reformation in the early sixteenth century, -
Aug 19, 1527
Invading armies sack Rome
the terible sack of rome in 1527 by the armies of the spanish king charles i ended the italian wars and left the spanish a dominant force in itally -
Aug 19, 1528
Castiglione writes The Book of the Courtier
Castiglione describe that the first noble was born not made. he was thought to havelots of grace and talent.a chief had to perform military and physical exercise. -
jan van eyck paints the arnolfini portrait
in 1568, Marcus van Vaernewijck, a notoriously unreliable historian, described the portrait as 'a small panel... wherein was depicted an espousal of a man and a woman espoused by fides' -
leonardo da vinci paint the mona lisa
the mona lisa is the most famous painting in the world.Vasari, who is generally thought to have known the painting only by repute.it seemed divine rather than human; and those who saw it were amazed to find that it was as alive as the original.