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A walk through my life..
Began First Sport [Golf]
This event is important to me because through Golf I found my first passion for a sport and as a result, Golf turned out to be a sport that I would still play for the rest of my life. -
Got my first pet
This event was important to me because this was the day where I got my first dog, who I've grown up with since I was a little kid, and who I still own to this very day. I also got to pick out this dog so it holds a sentimental value for me -
First best friend
This event is important to me because this is around the time when I met my frist friend and as a kid, many of my friends moved away so finding a best friend who was planning to stay in Washington was a relief; this is the friend that I did everything with and we are still best friends to this day. -
Passing of my Grandpa
This event hit me hard because this was the first passing of a family member that I was extremely close to, I had never met my dad's dad (my other grandpa) because he passed away before I was born, and I had been extremely close to my Grandpaso when he passed, it affected me to the point where I didn't want to go to school. -
Passing of Grandma
This event affected me because I had just lost my Grandpa a few years back and this event is important to me because this time, this was my dad's mom, who I had literally grown up with because I had always visited her as a kid every Saturday down in Seattle and this event is extremely significant to me because I had gone with my dad to go visit her and as we were walking in, she took her last breath around my dad and I so this day will always have a sentimental feeling full of sorrow. -
Joined CFC-YFL Youth Group
This event is significant to me because this was the weekend where I joined my first youth group and this is important to me because YFL has become a big part of my life ever since I joined and I always look forward to being reunited with my YFL family. -
First High School Production [Hairspray]
This event is important to me because Hairspray was my first high school play. Originally, rehearsal and auditions began in January, but over the course of 5 months, theatre became a big part of my life and through Hairspray, I foudn a new passion for acting and throughout the whole experience I had bonded with the whole cast which made my experience that more sentimental. As a result, Hairspray led me to learning to be myself and it helped me get out of my comfort zone. -
Met a group of friends that would become a big part of my life
This event is slightly different than my other events. This event is important to me mainly because I had never been so close to a group of people before and during the course of 3months, these "friends" started to become a big part of my life who I would later consider to be my family. This event, unlike others, is signifiant to me because my friends who were now my family, taught me that to just be myself and they accepted me for who I was. We also look out for each other like a family.